Tuesday 21 November 2023



MKG became a thorn in the neck for many after India became free. When he was killed by Godse I am sure many would have got big relief in their lives.

When Gandhi was done to death
I am sure many had Sigh of relief
They must have thanked the God
that the old man would cause them no grief

There was none now in Indian politics
Who would preach morals and ethics
the path lay wide open for crooks  in the country
Who got busy  at bars in discothics

family rulesBecame the order of the day
After father daughter would rule
the congress became a family fiefdom
While all appeared to be mere dud mules

Rajiv became the king of the nation
Once  his mother was shot through her heart and spleen 
the moment Rajiv was blown to bits in Madras
His wife ruled the nation as a shadow queen

raul is struggling to find his place
having lost the crown to another guy
his old mother  has no mental solace
As she struggles like a wingless fly

Power appears to be a mirage to them
Although they put up brave face
raul is depicted as a buffoon  by the rulers
While congress is struggling to regain its lost place

MOLANGOOR FORT INNER view.karimnagar dist.telangans.20x30 CM paper gsm



Dr k prabhakar Rao

Very bad..when team plays for personal glories what happens is this.Indian  team failed to fore see  or estimate Australian potency and focus. Their body language was their indications that they are for the kill. Our heroes  were riding on past glories while Australia came prepared for the final kill.RohitSharma as usual went for blitzkrieg when he batted. He forgot that it was a title match and he should have selected balls and then hammered like a blind man batting.  When he goes for lifted shot and bat does not connect well what results is a catch.But he faltered .All days are not yours.never under estimate the enemy.He left and Kohli scored 50 and left immediately as if he was  in hurry and running to toilet  and can not wait.He had no forethought about what is expected of him a player of great calibre basking in glory after beating Sachin's record. .The glory hunter went away and the enemy mounted on Indian team.There. Was no looking back for them.Rest is simple butchery and Indian team committed harakiri.Under any case , better will win.We did not deserve a win in this final match. Australians were much focussed smart committed, ready for the kill and were rewarded.Now summary trials and  Executions must start.kohli and Rohit both must go forthwith.whst use are the  records When country's honor is given up.there was no resistance and fight for our honor.talent is plenty in the country with billion people.there is no point finding excuses for the drab show. After ten wins.Australia was only two less ,yet they hammered us black and blue and out of winds.

Monday 20 November 2023

malangoor fort inner view karimnagar dist water colors 20x30 paper

kerchief as part symbol...telugu cartoon........guy on left..why kerchief as party symbol..person on right..they are giving free hankies at. poll booths ..in case part looses they can wipe eyes and clean noses with hankie



tata. rohit..well done



Dr k prabhakar Rao

Very bad..when team plays for personal glories what happens is this.Indian  team failed to fore see  or estimate Australian potency and focus. Their body language was their indications that they are for the kill. Our heroes  were riding on past glories while Australia came prepared for the final kill.RohitSharma as usual went for blitzkrieg when he batted. He forgot that it was a title match and he should have selected balls and then hammered like a blind man batting.  When he goes for lifted shot and bat does not connect well what results is a catch.But he faltered .All days are not yours.never under estimate the enemy.He left and Kohli scored 50 and left immediately as if he was  in hurry and running to toilet  and can not wait.He had no forethought about what is expected of him a player of great calibre basking in glory after beating Sachin's record. .The glory hunter went away and the enemy mounted on Indian team.There. Was no looking back for them.Rest is simple butchery and Indian team committed harakiri.Under any case , better will win.We did not deserve a win in this final match. Australians were much focussed smart committed, ready for the kill and were rewarded.Now summary trials and  Executions must start.kohli and Rohit both must go forthwith.whst use are the  records When country's honor is given up.there was no resistance and fight for our honor.talent is plenty in the country with billion people.there is no point finding excuses for the drab show. After ten wins.Australia was only two less ,yet they hammered us black and blue and out of winds.

Wednesday 8 November 2023


                            Colonel Dr K Prabhakar Rao,  VETERAN 
 BE ( mech ), M E ( mech ) IISc,PhD ( mech Engineering),PhD( Pol science )
PhD ( Strategic studies)USA,


              Some debate is going on this topic and those who are occupying some top positions in  armed forces keep expressing themselves occasionally. The question is how relevant  is 
land warfare today? In view of remote controlled warfare ,consisting of short range, long range missiles,ICBM, some with  nuclear war heads and   advanced air craft systems that can attack deep into territory , will use of land forces in operation  diminish in future and how relevant will it be?  These  are discussed.


       Basically ,armed forces are maintained by any country for following purposes:-

1.To Instil fear in  the minds of enemies
2 .To  build confidence in the-
      country men on the capability of political ruling leaders and administration that rules country.
 3. In tune with neighbours and their policies.   
 4, Historic requirements 
 5.Geographical needs

From time immemorial  , the purpose of armies was to …

1. Invade other countries like neighbours, oppressors from even distant lands when it was needed
2. Defend own country from invading enemies
3. To maintain law and order in  own  country  when required by civil govt.In military ruled     countries army calls  the shots
4. To help country’s  administration in natural calamities


      From  ancient times, warfare was basically land and sea  based. Mobility aspects and the means of mobility  influence structure of army very greatly.From time immemorial, man learnt to ride and tame horses and thus horse based cavalry emerged. Horses are effective, sturdy, have high mobility and armed forces thus had cavalry element apart from foot soldiers in all countries,
Chariots that were drawn by single ,dual or multiple horses were also part of armed forces, particularly in ancient times. elephants were also part of armed forces  in ancient and medieval times. Camels were also part of armed forces in  countries that had camels owing to  desert terrain.
      The major component of army was infantry in all countries. The physical strength, stamina , qualities of valour of the men played dominant role.


        Once gun powder was invented , warfare went through great changes.  Very soon matchlocks, and  muzzle loader shoulder fired guns became prominent and soon these fire arms became major weapons. Soldiers wielding such fire arms became part of all armies .Infantry  men wielded such fire arms apart from swords ,lances spears and bayonets.
         Muzzle loading cannons that were mounted on turrets on fort bastions or wheel mounted  carriages  drawn by mules or horses also became part of armies in defence and offensive operations. such equipment like cannons static and mounted guns were organised under  separate  name as artillery commanded by officers  that  was part of army.Supporting  arm of   artillery thus emerged. This was a major supporting arm to Infantry.
     We know that   Zahiruddin Baber  the ruler of Kabul  who raided India in 1527 could vanquishDelhi based  Indian ruler Ibrahim Lodi at battle of panipat I by using field wheel mounted horse drawn  muzzle loaded cannons from many defensive positions on the enemy forces that were taken by surprise by the use of such devastating weapons. In battles. It changed history of India and India was enslaved soon by alien Islamic force. Mughal rule started that ended only in 1857 after sepoy rebellion in the country.Infantry, cavalry and elephants  apart from cannon forces played effective role in panipat war i. Soon the cannons and fire arms  became part of various armies in the countries revolutionising warfare all over.


        Technical renaissance took place  mostly  in  19  century .Changes in armed forces world wide also remained dormant.Mobility  of army was confined to foot soldier and by animal use on  the land. With development of steam engine and internal  combustion  engine  in Europe in 19 century  pioneered by James watt ( steam engines ) Otto and diesel  ( internal combustion engines ) rapid changes took place in armed forces too world wide.Transportation became  technically advanced with development of road vehicles powered by petrol , gas and Diesel engines. These developments were rapid. Steam engines opened doors for laying rails across places of long distance over which goods , animals and men could be transported quickly. steam   driven road rollers were developed and used  for construction of roads and men and materials could   be moved faster by steam trains with ease and with  better efficiency over long distances.Troops could be easily moved over long distances with mounted cannons and artillery weapons and materials and ammunition also  could be easily moved. Transportation vehicles for troops also were developed rapidly  and  mobility of army personnel improved on roads at all places.


Major development  towards armed forces was  the arrival of armoured fighting vehicles such as   Big Willie and small Willie  that were developed and deployed during ww I at Flanders. These primitive tanks had tracks facilitating cross country operation  with armour protection to the crew including gunner , commander, loader and signal man.these tanks had two or even three short barrelled guns and could fire from both sides and to  the front.These tanks also were fitted with machine guns  to tackle enemy infantry. Later these tanks were provided with small rotating turret that  was also provided with a gun or machine gun against infantry.

       The tank made great difference in the battles in ww I and II and much was yet to come between First and second  world wars. The  tank went through great changes and World War II  saw some of  these   advanced versions that were  fielded  by America, England,  France, USSR  and Germany in Europe and African  and in Japanese sectors,.  These were Shermans, Gen lee, Stuarts, Chaffee, valentines, Renaults,  Churchill,  Cromwell, Challenger . France used, Somuas, S 35,Char b1  Panzer, T 34 series tanks. Italians used,L 3/33,P26/40,L6/40These tanks were also given to friendly nations. Some of the tanks were also sent to fight advancing Japanese forces and INA In Burma and north east  during  ww Ii.These were Sherman’s and Stuarts 
Apart from tanks,  many types of specialist  vehicles to assist in warfare were developed and supplied to armies, systems became much advanced.Long range artillery was developed rapidly that  also  could fire much heavier shells causing higher damage to targets. Now the tanks are produced with higher mobility, higher fire power,  greater armour protection, precision target seeking  and destruction of targets. Israel has also tested driverless tanks with remote control .

     Now  the  armies became fully occupied with mobile equipment of various type of supporting vehicles ,specialist vehicles for recovery and  repair, medical support, radar equipment carriers, cranes etc .The armies  were no more cavalry  based with Infantry units .With induction of such large scale general purpose vehicles , tanks ,tank transporters and  specialist vehicles in armies, the armies had largely developed  with introduction of supporting services and facilities.Such large scale  induction of tanks and vehicles, supporting arms and services  became essential for effective functioning of army in defence and offensive operations. This also resulted in reduction of teeth to tail ratio That has been a cause of worry for commanders of armies world wide.


      With arrival of aircrafts on  the scene with invention by  wright brothers, the progress was rapid after ww I and in ww II.The air crafts in the form of bombers and fighters were used with great success  in all sectors by every nation.  Artillery also had advanced and anti aircraft guns to deal with attacking aircrafts. Today we have highly advanced fighter aircrafts  with precision target seeking and destruction  abilities.In modern warfare , tanks are  the most potential targets for attack helicopters and aircrafts and missiles . Many tanks were destroyed by attacking aircraft in American Iraq wars that took place in Middle East.Apart from winged aircrafts of Air Force, helicopters are added to army  for infantry support as attack helicopters  and gunships inspite of their vulnerability due to speed limitations ,protection and  lower flying levels.
       The modern armies are equipped with missile forces  in addition to advanced artillery systems that could seek identified  static targets  like enemy concentration areas, military head quarters, work shops, ordnance depots, ammunition  and fuel dumps, railway yards, at much greater distances  successfully. This has reduced  burden on aircraft bombing missions on such targets.Ability  to destroy such target seeking missiles in flight are also developed  and are in use by armies.
  In the latest  situation, threat is increasing from  drones that are being used for recce and also for bombing enemy targets.  These drones when used in few numbers are no doubt  soft targets .In latest methodology, swarming  enemy targets by multiples of drones is fore seen and  in such situation,destroying all drones at a time is considered difficult.The  greatest advantage of a drone is that it can be operated remotely  and well controlled more over it can take off at any place and does not require a run way  .
            Thus , we see that armies that were once based on foot soldiers and cavalry  became formidable fighting organisations throughout  the  world with general purpose and specialist vehicles, tanks, rocket battery vehicles,armoured personnel carriers, infantry combat vehicles, recovery vehicles,cranes, crawler tractors etc apart from artillery systems, rockets and missiles, telecommunication equipment, medical equipment,  fire arms of various calibres,  rocket launchers, recoilless guns, Yet some mountain divisions have mules and horses to carry mobile artillery equipment where transport can not be used.
              With  acquisition of intercontinent 
 ballistic missiles with nuclear war heads that can reach targets across continents, warfare has greatly changed  with relevant changes in organisation,  tactics  in wars  in defence and offensive operations too.


              Coming to naval forces , it is obvious that their  role is limited to operations where operations  are conducted over Seas. in certain cases  , Infantry  forces accompany in ships where landing operations have to be conducted  at enemies land.  We sent our armed forces to  the tiny island nations in Arabian Sea to overcome mutinies and restore rule of law. Tactics are different for such operations as these tiny nations are not military powers. When we recall the Normandy  landings in ww II On D day at German coast ,land forces such as American Infantry/ Marines played great role. During falkland operations against Argentinian army , by  the  British  in recent times , we know that the British naval ships were sent to  the  sector with Infantry and navy men  and the enemy surrendered in short time  and major crisis and escalation was averted.We thus know that  mid  sea battles are fully  organised and conducted by Navy itself  unless some occupation of  a land is foreseen  soon after overcoming naval force of enemy.


         Coming to the past Vietnam war  in which USA  was fully involved along with French armed forces, we know that the US airforce, bombarded Vietnam enemy  targets with heavy bombings from sky and yet could not stop the defeat. Forces of France were defeated on ground and  Americas too  withdrew. Americans although had plenty of nuclear weapons ,these were never used throughout  the  war and conventional war was conducted .

       Coming to the latest on going  Russian  Ukrainian war, in Europe, we see that the war is conventional where tanks, armoured personnel carriers, and field artillery and tactical missiles have been used and Russia although did some   Sabre rattling  about its nuclear arsenal , threat of nuclear weapons to Ukraine has receded. We know that in this war ,major European nations like England,France and USA are supporting Ukraine that gets all hardware , tanks , guns , missiles etc for the battle and Ukraine has been stiffly resisting Russian onslaught and even pushed back Russian army in many sectors with many Russian casualties. thus ,we see  that land forces are playing great role in this war .Russia too is employing land army in this battle along with supporting arms and air forces and missile components.

       in the present Israel —Hamas confrontation in Middle  East sector , Israel has launched massive land operation against Hamas on Gaza Strip. Tanks ,missiles and artillery are being used causing devastation and destruction in occupied Gaza territory causing many deaths of civilians and military personnel and suffering apart from destruction  of buildings, hospitals , residential buildings and means of transportation. too.Though Israel has ample nuclear weapons up the sleeve, conventional war is going on with air support and missile forces.Israel has not resorted to sabre rattling  about nuclear war heads in  their nuclear arsenal.


       Coming to  Indian  scenario, we know that our country is surrounded by hostile forces and we have no land borders in  the south with any other country .Sri Lanka a small Island nation is at hands distance separated by sea.  Lanka is not a serious threat  although in past  the Island  nation was greatly troubled by internal strife by LTTE  who were fighting for TAMIL EELAM  under 
Prabhakaran.The Island nation is stable now. We fought three major wars  ( 1948:1965,1971 )and one Kargil operation against Pakistan ( 1999) at high altitudes against Pak militants supported by Pakistani army  over issue of Kashmir.  A major war with china in 1962 was fought  over border issue  after Chinese aggression . This land war was conducted in Himalayan-mountains completely by Land forces and  Air Force was not used for air attacks . Situation  has changed now. China has deployed  missiles against India  and in any future confrontation ,these could  be used against our forces, military infrastructure production centres ,and our cities too. in such scenario, we will be compelled to retaliate in similar way ,even using latest strike  aircrafts .China is known to be fielding armour-fighting vehicles in mountainous  ranges including high altitudes and India too is prepared to counter in similar way by inducting light tanks. Medium  and even heavy tanks would be used where terrain is suitable. Tanks also could be air lifted to locations when needed.Thus, land operations are always inevitable in future too although the missiles and long range  aircrafts  are available to destroy targets at higher distances.

            Our borders with Pakistan in west are plains with agricultural lands, streams and rivers flowing  into Arabian Sea and in 1965 and 1971, armour played dominant role .In 1965, pak armour that invaded our western borders  with massive armour strength with Patton tanks were crushed to pulp by Indian armour on all fronts.In  1971 , India had to fight two front war. One against Pakistan on western border and in Jammu sector under northern command simultaneously fighting in  East Pakistan that became Bangladesh later after  the surrender of entire Pakistan  army in east. Air Force was used freely on both fronts in conventional land war .
India has not joined any international groups like NATO to take up military activities such as wars  outside India and it is believed that same policy would continue in future too unless situation demands such requirement.  Our army’s basic role is to protect our borders and prevent enemies to grab our territory. it is very unlikely that our army would be called to take up aggressive operation against neighbours unless situation demands.We will not be the first to take up such activities.


In view of above discussion and factors, it is opined that land operations by our armed forces including  use of air and  missile forces are going to stay whenever we have to deal with enemy on all fronts.In special cases ,naval forces also will be used when enemy uses navy against us on southern borders.It is concluded that land operations by  Indian armed forces will continue with vigor and gusto and same will be true  for all countries world wide.  Having nuclear weapons and large number of various missiles does not  make land operations redundant . Conventional land operations will continue to deal with enemy by occupying his lands, Invariably , the  nuclear war heads are there more as deterrent  than real operational threat.Victory in any operation is achieved when enemy areas are occupied by our land forces that  are fighting the enemy. the same argument also equally applies to other countries in the world.


1.Lt Gen J S Bajwa,Land warfare and its future Avatar , courtesy Uday India, Dt oct 15,2022

2.Indian army turns to ancient texts to prepare  for wars of  the future, Economic times ,Sep 30,2023

3.Lt Gen  Deependra Singh. Hooda , Future war won’t be fought only on borders,will impact every citizen, Economic times Sept 26, 2023