Thursday 7 April 2022



   Col Dr k prabhakar Rao PhD          strategic studies

the conflict between  the Russia and Ukraine   appears  set for long duration attrition and RUSSIA  is facing a determined adversary unexpectedly, thus putting it in tight corner. UCRAiNE Is resisting it's enemy with
all it's might  and determination and it's entire population is resisting  the attacking forces
   The NATO  Nations are supplying  stocks of latest missiles  , tank destroying  guided systems resulting in severe losses in terms of tanks military vehicles , air crafts and choppers to Russia apart from losses of  military personnel. BRITAIN has SUPPLIED it's latest anti aircraft destroying systems to Ukraine.

 RUSSIA  never expected this much resistance from a small and weak Ukraine throwing it's  plans haywire. RUSSIA imagined Ukraine as a rat facing a cat but alas tables have been turned. 
RUSSIA also used recently the most powerful bomb next only to nuclear bomb . Some call it a vaccum bomb on Ukraine and world has expressed horror at turn of events. Secondly RUSSIA  has displaying it's nuclear arsenal and it's potential as a threat calling for  nuclear drills  leading to psychological warfare and brow beat ukrainians. However,  Ucraine Appears not perturbed. 
RUSSIA  in some  tactical Moves  withdrew some attacking columns from kiev. This is seen as a prelude to concentrated air and missile attacks on capital  KIEV.In the midst of chaos there are severe allegations  that withdrawing Rusian  troops resorted to mass  killings of civilians being termed war crimes. American president Biden  has gone to the extent of declaring putin as a war criminal. 

The present war is causing  great frustration to putin and it appears he is loosing control  of restrained attacks over a small nation. Will this  result in dropping an atom bomb one or more over kiev in very near  future to force it  to surrender?.can the withdrawl of Russian columns towards kiev be  taken  as preparations for a nuclear assault on kiev  like ww ii bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki to force Japan  to surrender. Americans did it in ww ii having won in Europe and Japan did not develop the bomb at that time. Even after the devastation, a section of JAPAN  was willing to continue the  war as it was confident to develop atomic bomb in short time and that would have placed japan in great negotiating position. 

Ukraine has no atomic bombs and nato nations have plenty of them. If nuclear assault takes place over Ukraine  will nato nations keep watching as  spectators.  Till  now, America.,France  and Britain  are the  key supporters to Ukraine. in case nato nations   as a support aim their nuclear war heads on to Russia and  declare a threat accordingly  ,Russia would think ten times  before it drops bomb on Ukraine. It will be a decision only by a lunatic. already biden has, declared puttin as war criminal  and trials  have to be conducted. accordingly. RUSSIA however is claiming that scenes shown are fake. Secondly the pro russian civilian armed outfits have declared that they did not commit any massacre. Can we trust them? 

What will be Indias role now. In all probabilities, India will keep watching as usual and plays touch me not game come  what 
 may due to good relations 
 with Russia  and as RUssia is the largest arms supplier to Inda  and helps India to manufacture them too. thus India will  soft tow the issue   occasionally issuing some statement that all problems should be resolved peacefully. it is a different matter India fought  four major wars  after 1947 apart from kargil war and lankan fiasco  apart from fight against terror outfits in kashmir. India also is involved in fighting maoists in many   states leading to loss of   lives. 
   The present crisis is likely to    culminate into serious  international situation. The present conflict will start a precedence to brow beat weaker nations to fall in line in future. Smaller nations with a big brother next door will feel insecure   .India  having promoted non alignment will play solo music every time. no one will heed to Indias call for restraint and India is ignored  in world affairs  as usual and it suits us well.

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