Tuesday 20 October 2020

killa shapuram fort damaged on rains

Khilla shapuram the fort of sardar papadu damaged in recent rains. Result of govt negligience.
             Dr k prabhakar RaO

KHILA SHAPURAM IS CLOSE TO RAGUNATH PALLI NEAR JANGAON TOWNIn present Telangana.the fort was built by Sardar sarvai papadu also called  papanna, papa Rayudu or papadu who was a Telangana robinhood type  ruler 350 years ago .He rose from Toddy tapping goud community  who fought Muslim Deccan armies of Aurangzeb the tyrant  , the Mughal EMPERROR.  KUTUB shahi kingdom collapsed in 1687 and  the kingdom was annexed to Mughal empire with a subedar to administer. It was the time when Sardar papadu was emerging on the scene. Some say he was born in Belgaum. but it is believed well that he was the native of Telangana from sarvai peta in Karim nagar area. he lived between 1650..1709.he defeated kolanupaka subedar who tried to subdue  him and was killed by papadu..Later , he defeated the Muslim armies several times. He controlled a large force and captured important forts like Bhongir, Warangal and even Golconda. Bahadur shah I the ruler at Delhi recognised papanna as a local ruler, but the EMPERROR at Delhi was ill advised by local chieftains and zamindars that papanna was from lo community and hence has no right to rule. thus papanna was not recognised and forces were set up on him to arrest him. Paoadu built forts at tatikonda. Near Warangal, VemulaKonda near valikonda, sarvai peta,   SHAPURAM,  Cherial and few more places. SHAPURAM fort was  a stone  fort and was the capital. it was fitted with many cannons and facilities. The fort was surrounded by Muslim army and papanna was trapped in side. he fought very bravely.A very close aid of papanna was killed in battle. Papanna escaped from the fort and he was pursued from place to place.It was an unequal fight. There were many battles between Diler Khan another Mughal commander. Papadu was at tatikonda battling a section of Muslim armies when Shapur was surrounded by Diler Khan and his troops . the fort was occupied. at this time papadu not knowing about the happenings at Shapur arrived with his troops and was surprised at the situation.    his own  guns of Shapur were firing at him. he escaped from the bad situation and was pushed by Muslim armies.papadu moved from place to. Place exhausted.
Sarvai papadu was finally betrayed by his own brother in law to Mughals and he was  killed by beheading. it is said his head was suspended to Golconda fort gate.

history books ignore papanna and his exploits and merely seen as highway bandit and abductor of women. however Barbara Thames metcoff. And Richard Elton. Recorded papanna exploits in detail in their works that are available along with his sketch. they described him more or less as a Robinhood of the province he reigned. the Muslim  writer of the times khafi Khan  as usual has portrayed him lawless man and bandit and an outlaw.

THe fort is now under state aracheological. Dept. It was neglected and very poorly maintained.. the result is the collapse of one wall connected to a bastion due to the present down pour. Very sad administration by the state. The wall must be built to original state in the same shape. some important personalities like perwaram  ramulu , ex DGP, PONNALA LAXMIAH ex minister apart from a brother of  perwaram Romulu , former vice chancellor of  Telugu university who are from KHILA Shapur .In fact this fort was badly neglected by all Ap governments  till date apart from present govt.In history books papanna has been portrayed as a mere robber and bandit Which was not true. the ruling community of Zamindars. Called Dora's of  Telangana region are no doubt up in arms against papanna as he looted them of their wealth, cattle and riches .but papanna   With the money took care of poor. Still lot of research is required to be done on papanna. and things are not moving in that direction.  except goud community in Telangana, others are not much interested in the memory of papadu and there is no concentrated effort by all in the required direction,. Long live memories of Sarvai papadu.ü

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