Monday 19 October 2020

statue culture

STATUES SHOULD BE TAKEN CARE OF OR ELSE  REMOVE THEM..                           DR K PRABHAKAR  RAO..             Padmapsni acharya MVC is from hastinapur near Lb nagar  on sagar highway. From my house it is4 km. his family stays there. When maj acharya died in kargil war, his wife was reportedly carrying. After some time the family with help of colony people got erected his statue  bust at hastinspur       adjascent to main road where his colony road meets. initially thought there was Josh and as time passed care for statue dwindled. No worthy public figure garlands the statue on  the day of martyrdom. Onceva sub inspector was called to Garland him. no mla or mlc or minister or some ghmc senior official or mayor has time. The statue is covered in dust with some posters pasted all over and it looks I'll fitting. I felt the guys soul would have been happy without the statue... Very bad indeed. Kp

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