Wednesday 25 November 2020


dR K Prabhakar Rao
1.if some election is to be conducted after you assume power, declare some populist scheme to poor people. You get more votes. 
2. if you have some rift with central govt,  show your unhappiness like a ram  i, e he goat  on the face. You can not do  any thing more
3 Do not be scared of cat and rat. Watch your enemies, some guy will always be digging grave for you
4,1if required have adjustments with your greatest enemy even. once problems are over ditch that guy and eliminate his threat. 
5. remember in politics you have to be shameless
6 Always show smiling face even if you are abused most bitterly
7. once you cross the river burn the boat
8.when you are travelling in boat  address the biatman as.. Boatman sir showing great respect. Once you land on the shore you can address him hey.. Rey..bloody  Boatman


Dr. k Prabhakar Rao
1.people will salute you when you are in power. Later not even a dog will care for you
2.Get stuck to your seat like a gecko
3.Show some chair to women too in your govt. They will feel happy. 
they may not know anything
4.promote games and sports. People will be happy. they forget many issues. it does not cost you much
5.for the post of ministers select guys who are a  bit literate. keep off those who are happy as rubeber stamps and as thumb impressionists. for such guys give chairmamships. they are fit for such jobs. 
6.take part in public festivals. You may abuse  and curse from with in. 
7.when you are attending  some lecture,  give a pose, as if you are listening very attentively. Switch off your ears. you are not the looser. all most all lectures are boring and are ofno use. 
8.learn to sleep with open eyes. 
9.learn ro sleep without hearing anything.

joker,, cartoon


Monday 23 November 2020

Saint Malayala Swamy


1. Do not foolishly believe in certain aspects . all days are good
2.There is nothing in a temple. a school has everything. Believe in it even if you have not attended school
3. Whenever you attend an inauguration function, take your wife. she is sure to get an expensive saree
4. Visit countries like USA, England, Germany, France etc when you are in power. Your post is not eternal. You may loose any time.
5. ensure that your house where do you stay does not sink in floods. Stay in a house that is built on high ground
6 when you visit the zoo adopt a jackal, you and it have same qualities
7 Adopt a dog, It is more faithful than your followers. your pet dog will not betray you.

Friday 20 November 2020

Tuesday 17 November 2020

pencil sketch.. ncursed soldiers..




Dr K. prabhakar Rao

Gandhi Patel and Nehru are sitting in a room in heavens.Gandhi is lying on a old cot. he is coughing  frequently.

Nehru. Bapu , you may like to gulp some cough syrup. 

Gandhi. I had two minutes ago. this damne cough does not leave So easily.

Patel. Yes babu. it has been troubling you greatly.

Gandhi. Patel . I have read in news paper about  some pension problems in services. What's that ...caughs..Uh uh uh

Patel.  Yeah ..I also read.  now  India has a chief of Def staff. Another guy to fish in troubled waters.

Gandhi. Why so ?in fact services wanted a CDS After Kargil war.It took nearly twenty years to appoint one.

Nehru. by appointing a CDS, services have burnt their own  hands. 

Gandhi. Why so?

Nehru. now every service chief wants to become a CDS . Rat race has commenced.  all the three chiefs are doing their role in rat race. other Lt gen are in rat race for chiefs place.It is also not a must that a retired chief will only become CDS. they can even promote a Lt Gen or any one that suits them .

Patel. it happens.They are expecting CDS to be a five star general. but till date it has not been sanctioned.

Gandhi.I think CDS is playing to the tune of babus and the top leadership. unless  he is  an yes man he will not get heavier brass. so he is always ready for the  dance and song. he plays to the tune merrily.

Patel. India in fact messed up its economy in the covid scene.  the country  is witnessing  economic chaos. Babus are crying about pension bill  of services. But they are not crying about pension bill of civilian employees in min of defence or in other civil services.

Gandhi. I see. Some trouble is brewing . Some guys are trying to hit services under the belt.

Patel. already we are in great troubles. Now they are up into something more dangerous for the nation.

Gandhi. What they are planning ?

Patel. now CDS is planning to increase the retirement age of some cadres and also reduction in pensions all of a sudden  of some categories.

Gandhi. how can he do that. will he give up his pension?

Patel .. no he will not do that.  He will hit under belts of others.He is safely placed. HE served full years and is on extension . THe suckers are the guys and officers and men who leave early.  they will get low pension if they decide to leave and also they were deprived of promotion due to steep pyramid structure. there is no NFU too . IAS officers  and police guys get NFU.  ARmy guys Are deprived of every thing. On every front army guys are on loosing front.

GAndhi. How bad it is. army being managed so badly by our guys and political  masters. THen why they should sacrifice themselves for this thankless nation. 

patel. true. SErvices are at receiving end at all fronts. govt promised OROP and then ditched them. OROP has not been revised too although they promised. POor services are  sucking thumbs .Bapu ....You know the veterans were on long hunger strike at Delhi.

Gandhi I know that, tHey were even lathi charged by dElhi police guys. HOw shameful it is. there was no reaction from top brass. I am sure many guys were happy too. I am hundred percent sure that it was ordered by. Senior guys and top leadership knew about it.

PAtel. I think India is the only country in the world where services are looked down, their status cut salaries lowered and   Any more problems

GAndhi. these are the ills of a democracy  in a country that got independence from whites. MOre so because Pakistan fell to military rule. Apart from Bangladesh. THe political leaders and top leaders are always worried about a coup

Patel. Herut was damne scared of gEn Thimmayya in sixties

NEhru. WHy should I .

Patel. YOu are surely scared. YOu upgraded air and naval chiefs. C in c was abolished. CAriappa was down played after retirement.Hecwas forgotten.Even Manekshaw was insulted later. no top leader attended the funeral if Sam Bahadur.

GAndhi. Patel. our days were over long ago.Now new generation has taken over.It is up to them to take country ahead or sink it.

Patel. I am sure they will sink it the way things are going. God bless our country.

Gandhi.  True

Nehru. Bapu I am feeling sleepy. Let us disperse.

All ....ok    Bye.

