Wednesday 25 November 2020


dR K Prabhakar Rao
1.if some election is to be conducted after you assume power, declare some populist scheme to poor people. You get more votes. 
2. if you have some rift with central govt,  show your unhappiness like a ram  i, e he goat  on the face. You can not do  any thing more
3 Do not be scared of cat and rat. Watch your enemies, some guy will always be digging grave for you
4,1if required have adjustments with your greatest enemy even. once problems are over ditch that guy and eliminate his threat. 
5. remember in politics you have to be shameless
6 Always show smiling face even if you are abused most bitterly
7. once you cross the river burn the boat
8.when you are travelling in boat  address the biatman as.. Boatman sir showing great respect. Once you land on the shore you can address him hey.. Rey..bloody  Boatman

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