Wednesday 25 November 2020


Dr. k Prabhakar Rao
1.people will salute you when you are in power. Later not even a dog will care for you
2.Get stuck to your seat like a gecko
3.Show some chair to women too in your govt. They will feel happy. 
they may not know anything
4.promote games and sports. People will be happy. they forget many issues. it does not cost you much
5.for the post of ministers select guys who are a  bit literate. keep off those who are happy as rubeber stamps and as thumb impressionists. for such guys give chairmamships. they are fit for such jobs. 
6.take part in public festivals. You may abuse  and curse from with in. 
7.when you are attending  some lecture,  give a pose, as if you are listening very attentively. Switch off your ears. you are not the looser. all most all lectures are boring and are ofno use. 
8.learn to sleep with open eyes. 
9.learn ro sleep without hearing anything.

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