Wednesday 19 January 2022



                                         INTO THE PAST WITH PAIN   349


                                          Col Dr K Prabhakar Rao Veteran


  Gandhi  patel and Nehru are seen walking on Hyderabad street at Abids. They are in usual attire. They are wathing the people shops and passing vehicles

 Gandhi. Patel,   The place looks busy.

Nehru. Bapu. This place is always like this. However to day , it is a bit calm, Most of the time one can not walk on the road

Gandhi. Is it is so congested?

Patel., Yes. There are scores of vehicles buses , private cars, scooters.

Gandhi . I heard that there are many cycles here

Patel There were once along with man pedalled Rikshaws  in Hyderabad.

Gandhi. Where are they now?  With change of times, the rikshaws vanished. Few modified rikshaws  are there from transporting  goods here and there.

Patel. Earlier Some rickshaws had  black pardahs in which muslim women used to travel. Times have changed

Gandhi. With times ,everything changes. Any how,  man pedalled rickshaws are shameful to society.

Patel. Govt tried to fit small petrol engines to them , but it was a failure. With influx of autos ,most of the Rickshaw pullers shifted to Autos that were given on daily hire to them by some moneyed men. After few years   the men  owned autos. Now autos  have become traffic nuisance. People are fed up of them. There is discipline. Lot of complaints in public. Now private cabs are becoming popular. Mobiles have changed lives of people  more to worst. Kids have been spoiled by Mobiles. Kids have become addicted to mobiles. Time only will  tell  about the ill effects. Parents cry loud happily when their one  year kids operate  mobile without  realising that they gave a bomb to the child.

Gandhi, Do you call this for betterment?

Nehru, Surely

Patel. How about values?

Gandhi. I am sure values disappeared long ago.  Who want  values now. With running for wealth money and power values have been dumped in Hussein sagar long ago. You travel throughout India. You will not find a trace of value.

Patel. Bapu . such things happen` with change of times.


Suddenly the trio is stopped by two police men


Constable. Hey guys. please stop. Are you some drama artists?.

Patel. Why are you asking? Is it a crime to act in dramas.?

Constable. No. You  guys are dressed like Gandhi Nehru and patel.

Gandhi. We are not dressed up like them. We are they,

Nehru. They are we.

Patel. They  and  we are same. We and they are same too.

Patel. What you think is not true but it is opposite as we are they and  not acting like them. We can not act as we are they and real.

Constable  eeeee.aaaaa… Cant understand what you said.

Patel. That is because you imagined us to be they and we are not they and we are actual guys.

Constable. I  cant understand a single word   you said

Nehru. Relax brother. Please allow us to go

Constable. Where do you stay?.

Gandhi . Bhoot nagar colony

 Constable. where is it in Hyderabad . I have not heard about it. Is it in Hyderabad or  secunderabad?.

Patel. Probably you have not seen it. Why do you want to go. There is nothing there to see.  It is very close to a big grave yard

Constable. Eee. Ok, No I am not interested to go

Gandhi. You can not avoid One day you have to go there

Constable. Eee what are you talking?  EEE  .. Ok. go away. You Appears to be crank guys. We do not want to see you again.

Patel. We are not cranks.  Ok… go now enough we had. We never wanted to talk to you. You only stopped us  and spoke.


Constables run away from there  who got scared


Gandhi What type of guys are these men that too from police dept. What can be expected from them in society.

Patel… life is like that

 Nehru. Why blame them? They were curious after seeing us.

Patel.  They knew about us from photos and read in books at school


Gandhi. Haa..haa. true. When were alive their fathers were also not born.

Patel. They were acting clever

Gandhi. Any how those guys have gone. Forget about them.  Is there any thing special about Abids

Patel. Bapu. Abids is a posh bazar with expensive shops Earlier we had some great hotels and cinema halls.  Some famous  English medium schools are  here apart from Nizam college and also the main State bank of Hyderabad. Fateh maidan is at the end of Abids near Basheer bagh. This route is one way. People curse traffic guys.

Gandhi.Oh I see. You know very much  about Abids.

Patel.  Yes. I  studied much about Hyderabad before I ordered police action against Nizam.

Gandhi. Why bring police action now. That was  over long ago. If I was alive, I would not have allowed.

Patel.Destiny is not in our hands Bapu. Nizam was to loose his  kingdom and he lost it. It was destined.

Gandhi. There was lot of blood shed too.

Patel. In military actions,deaths will be there. Did army go to kiss Razakars the devils,They killed   many people in the state.They paid for it.

Gandhi Jawahar .Do you have any comments?

Nehru  . I  do not want to comment.

Patel. Thank god we are saved from creation of a third Pakistan in centre of India.

Gandhi.  Who can change destiny.

Patel. That’s good bapu . You are  now in correct track.

Gandhi.  Good.  Let us discuss about this topic some other time. We are getting late .Let us go.


                                           The trio vanishes


                                  CURTAIN COMES DOWN


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