Wednesday 4 January 2023



                                             Into the past with pain.    355

                                                 Prof Dr Col K Prabhakar Rao Retd

(Gandhi, Patel and Nehru are  seen roaming on a street in Delhi   near a public garden.)

Gandhi… Patel.. should we spend time in the park here. I feel suffocated on this traffic street

Pate. Sure Bapu. why not.

Nehru ..I am also with you.

(The trio enter the park gate where they are stopped by a watch man.)

Gandhi. What is the matter brother, Is the park closed to day?

Watch man. No. park is open  .you have to purchase a ticket for entry.

Gandhi ..we came here early too. Then, there was no ticket. It was free entry.

Watch man . You are correct. Recently , by order of central govt, Tickets are introduced in  the park  as you are breathing fresh un polluted air. Your time of entry is written on the ticket..You have to pay 5000 rupees as entry fee. You may stay for whole day  till park closes..

Nehru. what is this?   Why so much money being charged from us?

Watch man. These are the orders from govt.

 Gandhi. In that case we are going back.

Watch man. It is up to you . I  am only implementing orders.

Patel. what is going on here?  Are people fools in  India. If am alive I would have gone on fast upto death against the  crazy govt orders.    Looks rulers have become nuts. They are fleecing  middle class and poor left and right. Rich need no parks. They can go any where.

Nehru. Some times govt has to raise funds for various schemes. They thought this to be a novel scheme .

Patel . In  next order, govt will collect minimum Rs 1000 from those who pee on roadside. Then govt will collect lakhs of crores rupees. Indians are very fond of peeing on road side. Soon they will collect from people entering sulabh complex  toilets.

Gandhi. Any thing is possible at present in this country. Did I bring freedom to see this day ? how sad ?.. (sings)

Nation has gone into hands of nuts all over

Where people are fleeced left and right

Should we laugh or cry at their foolish ways

Cranks are at the helm  like fools groping in night


I gave these people the coveted freedom

But alas people have  badly let me down

People and leaders are  to be squarely blamed

I know the English men called me a big clown


Patel ..hear hear Bapu. Well said.

Nehru. Bapu you are very sarcastic

Gandhi ..what is there to be sarcastic ? I said  Truth . things are very bad in the country. Soon it becomes worst. As there is no proper opposition.People  are   being    fleeced much and there is no reaction from people in the society.

Patel. I also feel same. But as you sow. So you reap.

Gandhi. I am much worried about this country. Only god must rescue   the people.

Patel. What god can do  ? He is also powerless in modern times.

Gandhi.  What I notice is that no one sings Ramadhun  at present.. these things are old fashioned songs .

Patel . To attract people, some modern tunes must be given to ramdhun with rock and roll tunes.

Gandhi. Oh god save me.. I can not bear

Patel. Bapu be practical. When army regiments can do march past for  bhajan , Om jaya Jagadeesh hare… any thing is possible. Very soon march past song on military parades will be Ramji    Karega beda par udasi man kahe ko dare…  by  Hari omsharan

Nehru. Come on ..stop this ..I am upset much.. I want to go away.

Patel why ..why you want to run away ? cant you face realties.

Nehru .what to do?

Gandhi.. come on. Do not fight. We are going now

Patel. Where bapu?

Gandhi. Hell. It will be much better than this   land.

Nehru. I shall also come.

Patel. If you two go away what shall I do here ?

The trio vanishes  in a flash


                                                    Curtain Falls

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