Wednesday 16 December 2020

FARMERS or ???? by Dr K Prabhakar Rao


Farmers at Delhi are  holding the  nation t to ransom by blocking the roads. The persons who claim to be farmers are all rich strikingly and are well prepared with all required things expensive food items ,  clothing etc. Even  scores of vehicles are at their disposal. Are these farmers poor, Surely no. Most of them are not farmers. Some hoodlums and anti socials could be in the garb of farmers with different intentions.  The slogans raised at the place are very offensive,  some times even anti national, coercive, threatening and   not acceptable. Even pro khalistani slogans were raised. The agitation surely appears to  destabilize the elected  govt  for  self interests. I think there is not even one farmer who is poor in the crowd. The opposition parties have no work except creating hurdles in  governing by the centre. And they encourage these so called farmers.This needs to be condemned. Let them put some concrete proposals in stead of demanding cancelling the laws declared.

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