Monday 7 December 2020

                prof DR. Colonel K Prabhakar Rao Retd 

The criminals involved in Delhi Nirbhaya case some years ago have not been brought to justice. one brutal criminal who was a juveineile  on the day of crime is free now and enjoying life after serving  some time in reformation centre. One criminal committed suicide during trial. The rest are cooling heals in Tihar jail awaiting execution. How long the govt takes to dispose thEm off. Dr Manmohan Singh was the silent PM at that time of occurrence. Will they be executed. How long the present takes to say ok and give a nod for hanging.Shame indeed. Five years of term of Modiji is already over and he could not bring the case to end. the Delhi case is the proof  for apathy of Indian judicial system which  almost chaotic and people have lost faith in it.
        The present incident in Hyderabad has crossed all limits of human behaviour like in Delhi case and needs no sympathy that the criminals may be reformed after a long jail term. in India ,we are brainwashed with Gandhism.Gandhi said if some one slaps you , show him another cheek.  the  IPC is much influenced by his thoughts. Thus judicial system in this country has been  completely made inactive and ineffective in fact. All criminals feel that nothing will happen to them and they would come out of the  court cases.Thus lethargy has set in the entire judicial  procedures.the very fact that cases are tried in court for years and years, no other example can be quoted other than Babri masjid case.  We inherited legacy from the englishmen. Who while ruling acted very quickly against  radical freedom fighters who were put to death by hanging in short time.  in India even after awarding death sentences , the criminals were not hanged in short period but many years lapsed. Examples are  gen Vaidyas killers by khalistani terrorists in Pune, Indira Gandhis killers,after 1984,  killers of pratap sings kairon the former CM of Punjab,  and some more.These are prominant persons, there will be many killers in jails struggling. Rajiv killers are not yet hanged. Why? If the govt does not want to have death sentence , then why have it? but govt has retained it, Is it to be used with only preferential discretion?. Could be so.

entire country was going up in flames against the criminals and  govt had to act. Fast track court was to be soon formed in Hyderabasd to try the killers and ordered were also issued to the effect.But , before the process started the killers were shot dead by police in an encounter at the  site of offence , MK where the killers reportedly snatched weapons, fired at police and threw stones and tried to escape. Police had no way except to gun them down. The justice was thus sent by the God himself. the anti establishment  voices are up in arms against Hyd police and claim that the act was not justified.  
   Fact remains that people want immediate justice and it happened in this case.Let us accept it. public acceptance  can be seen when they offered sweets to police men after the incident. killing criminals in self defence by police is legal and they will give all proofs for it.There is no dearth for doubt masters in our country who want cheap publicity for themselves .The action of police is most welcome and justice has been served. there was no revengeful killing in it although. People and parents welcome such killings having lost the  daughter  in such gruesome way.  If the parents themselves plan and execute killing of criminals it will be a revengeful killing. but here  police is part of legal actions and they investigated and arrested the criminals with in 24 hours and further investigations were on the way for fast track trial. the encounter took place during the process of further investigation.

        There is surely a need for revising the judicial procedures to prevent  delays and mete out justice where conviction has been obtained.

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