Wednesday 16 December 2020

STAND OFF WITH china at ladakh BORDER.. Dr Kprabhakar Rap


The stand off with PLA at the borders is continuing  since , many months . All the discussions between the PLA generals with Indian top brass  and discussion between Rajnath Singh def minister and his Chinese counter part have gone  into a dust bin with PLAs stubborn attitude. They  are in fact testing Indian patience.  In fact India  faltered when it  did not forcefully react against PLA immediately after Galwan valley clash. There was intelligence failure too in detecting Chinese intrusion  ,There is a  always the worry  of superior PLA and the past experience of 1962 debacle. Indian top brass thus  back tracked from strong actions . Sadly it was an incorrect step. Chanakyas political treatise states that  more one delays the action the situation gets more complicated and  a situation arises  when one will be forced to accept  the situation as fait accompli.We have run into it. After 1962 war, China was  strongly pushed back in 1969. But  subsequently  , India accepted Chinese nibbling at the borders from time to time and PLA has grown bold  no doubt.   The proposed  intentions  of putting pressure on china  by  threatened actions at sea and declaring  in press that  we are stocking  and improving army navy and air force potential etc  has no meaning and is laughable matter. it is more or less a psychological warfare.I  am sure no other country  will fight our war. It has to be fought and won by us only. Any  help  from USA  will be in the form  of sharing  intelligence  on  satellite data although is useful will not  win war for us. Missiles are only a fraction of a war effort. There are many other things. War has to be fought by our troops only  like in 1962. This time,  situation may not be that desperate like troops running out of ammunition, fighting without boots  at Infantry posts that was well   Picturized in Movie hakeekat after 1962 war. But situation is grim in different  sectors. PLA  became more stronger with better  equipment, missiles and  air force. Having  more naval  ships at sea is not going to help at ladakh or Arunachal. we are not going to fight a global war with China escalating the war into seas. at all these places, most of the battles have to be fought by Infantry and supported closely  by  Arty to some extent. Deployment of Tanks is restricted except at  some plain areas  at higher altitudes.  And river beds.Entire border is full of mountains.  Thus Effect of tanks is much  doubtful. Air force   no doubt plays its role and PLA   and Chinese  air force can deploy more planes and troops.  We have own limitations. Awe purchased few  single digit advanced air crafts recently and they do not matter much. Except for dramatic appearances.In a all out full scale war  , things will not be that easy as China  is determined to grab  larger chunks of areas and Arunachal claiming it as part of Tibet. Time is running away. In fact it has run away. secondly we have to guard against pak  actions ,It may finally could be a faitaccompli.Morale of troops and officers is most important in war. The reforms and changes being planned in services  do play role in the minds of troops and officers and it has its own effects on them.

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