Friday 8 January 2021



Dr k prabhakar Rap

pranab mukherjee the former Indian president has released his book mote or less memoirs after his retirement. he state in the book that Congress  failed to recognise that it had lost the charismatic leadership
       To some extent pranabmi  was corect.. he must be refering to Rahul gandhis inability to make to the seat of Pm after DrMan mohan singh  who was a mute spectator saying  ..
theek hai .. 
for everything. pranab himself was eased out of the race by Sonia madam by making him the president. RAUL  became a comic figure and was not a charismatic leader. even his mom had no confidence in him  as he proved himself to be a cartoon figure at various forums and in Parliament too. No one took him serious
in fact Congress lost the charismatic leadership race with the, deaths of younger madhav rao sindhia and  younger pilot assumed  to have died by accidents. However  rumour mill says.. No they were removed from the race in favour of  moms loving son. Congress never allowed others to floursh in the party as nehrus family thought that congress  party was their feifdom and family farm 

 If pranab was made the Pm  instead of man mohan sing  probably he would haver made history   and steered Congress out of woods. but  it was not to be.It was the  biggest blunder made by congress .Thus Congress party became an orphan with no worthwhile alternative leadership to steer the ship in swirling winds and hurricanes  and is too late for it.Even now ,Sonia is stubborn and she is insisting to write the swan song for the party. although Congress party is the opposition party in Parliament it is as good as, dead  and stinking. it is  just a matter of time before the vultures devour it completely leaving just rottenn bones scattered all over. ... 

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