Thursday 27 May 2021



Prof Dr Colonel K Prabhakar Rao ( Retd)
Having gone through decades of services
With body and mind thoroughly worn out
It is high time to do some introspection
After loosing all the former charm and clout
Years have gone by when I was in the academy
Where I learnt ‘YES SIR’ and doing the drill
Precious years have vanished into thin air
While tired body has gone through a treadmill
Travelled around the country as a spinning top
After every two years non-stop
Traveled in the trains without reservations
And bore the brunt if insults and pain
Slowly and steadily the service was spent
While the soul turned weary and badly bent
Sleepless nights were the order of the day
And has to pass through the inevitable promotion fray
Glorious years of youthful age have passed
While values in service were trespassed
Waited tired to the hilt for the fateful day
To call it a day and be out of the useless fray
While in army the soul has to be shut
Army act causing great hiccups
Mixing with civilians is seen as a crime
Career was like a house devoid of mortar and lime
Risked the life and limbs in course of duty
And lived for the traditions which were mighty
Felt the perils of war with a smiling face
While the country was being managed to bring disgrace
Glorious years of freedom withered away
While on those top made fortune and money
Peoples verdict had no sway
While the leaders conduct was out of the way
Under the name of traditions army closed eyes
Poorest Indians slept and just wept
The army was made a holy cow
Morale of the men was really very low
Scores of scams are the order of the day
Political crooks are all in the fray
Skeletons from cupboards still roll out
And army has no worthy candidates for passing out
Riding an auto was once a taboo in army
Officers were to travel only by a car
The standards have greatly dwindled day by day
And liquor however is plenty to flow in a bar
Cadre review has ruined the status of army
Generals do duties of former majors
The poor majors go around with heads growing gray
While officers are down the protocol with faded blazers
There was a time when Army had a glorious day
The chief was number three in Protocols
One had to watch with greatest dismay
And today the generals are pushed as punctured footballs
Alas! the soldier is revered only in war
And god is remembered at time of a crisis
Heroes once held high at the top of altar
After the war guys are left away from an oasis
Years of effort in army is down the drain and crevice
The fact is simple and very plain
Once one is out of service, he is like a rat
Although for some ,the fact would cause hick ups and some pain
There is no doubt army is challenging
Where one has to ignore the self
One has to uphold prestige of the nation
While he withers away as rice flake
Army has to do great introspection
Nothing would come out of routine salutes and inspections
All those who are out of service
Would soon perish as a machine devoid of grease

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