Saturday 22 May 2021


                                                  Prof Dr Colonel K Prabhakar Rao Retd 

                   Our scriptures are very clear on this   aspect of contentment. Lord budha  preached that desire is the greatest evil that troubles humans and elimination of desire leads to salvation.. From desire, all other activities generate and the resultant ill effects too. our upanishads are very  clear about the  aspect of  desire.  

Budhha,s teachings are not  enirely new and   what he told are already there in hindu scriptures. yet, human beings can not overcome  desire  and  are subjected to great pains in the lives. Very rarely ,we come across some saint  like Ramana maharshi of Arunachalam, Kanchi seer  or Rama krishna parama hamsa of Bengal. Of course, Swami   Adi sankaracharya is always there. A common mortal  can not reach that level. almost 99.9999 percent humans are victims of desire in this world.  The world goes on like this till humanity becomes extinct due to mutual attrition, jealousy, wars and diseases.   Do not forget God who controls everything in this world. In fact, every religion preaches contentment to be happy. Saying and preaching is   easy but practice is difficult rather impossible to ordinary persons.

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