Sunday 7 November 2021

kakati fort, Belgium water colors. birth place of kittur rani chinnamma

Rani chinnamma (early 19 century )was the wife of Mallesa raja  Desai the ruler of Kittur. He  died and  young son passed away . As per the  East India company rules the kingom  was to be taken over  by the Company as no adoption was allowed. Chinnamma the Rani defied and the Company army attacked the fort by the  governor/ collector Thackrey . In the ensuing battle thackeray and two more army officers were killed. However soon the company attacked with more reinforcements and   Kittur rani was betrayed by some who watered the gunpowder in the fort. Rani was  arrested when she lost the war and was  under confinement  at Bail hongal fort where she died after few years.Kittur became a company asset. 

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