Friday 11 September 2020

FIGHTING ENEMY WITH HANDS TIED DOWN.. THE FAMOUS INDIAN WAY Dr k prabhakar Rao our nation has the greatest disadvantage of being under the rule of pseudo peace seekers who are in search for it because they have no spirit for aggressive disposition in the face of enemy. this has been the regular feature from ages. What we are witnessing is Nothing new. the world praises us as a land of peace seekers and knowledge. The second one is true but not the first one. in the process of peace seeking, we lost our freedom and became slaves. our country had innumerable Kingdoms constantly fighting with each other for supremacy and consequently some of them Invited foreign invaders and connived with them. The invaders gained advantage and occupied our lands. This situation continued over centuries till we were subjugated completely. the modern age dawned and there has been awakening. Yet, the princes in full strength could not all revolt in 1857 and consequently the revolt was defeated. there were reprisals too. .... Even gandhis struggle was not United. The Britishers left India worried about the series of revolts by army subsequent to fight by INA in ww ii and the subsequent trials of INA. The country although free from 1947 ,we had many wars to protect our land and every time we lost land and men too. we allowed chances to slip away and we had no guts to bargain hard with the enemy when we were victorious. our knees buckled. Looks history repeats. our armed forces are being let down by the ministries and beaurovcrats from time to time and their advise is over looked. if wars are to be fought by politicians always loosing land why have forces.? Every pm of this country has taken decisions that proved disastrous to the country. modi too is heading in the same direction. modi is more worried about his image world wide than the well being of the nation. He must realise that bargaining with China will not lead us any where. it only exposesour inabilito force a decision. Modi will go down in the history along with previous Pms in dealing with our enemies. Although the much claimed attack on pak terror camp across the border was greatly highlighted .But it made no difference to cross border terrorism. The thugs, are able to attack with impunity. Some colonels, majors and captains were killed by militants with impunity. Modi must act stiff with China. Or else , history will not excuse him for failings and letting down armed forces by the policies , making them inactive by tieing their hands and keeping beaurocrats as restrictions in proper functioning of the forces.t

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