Wednesday 23 September 2020

Shabby treatment to Army in India at govt hands

SHABBY TREATMENT TO ARMY... Dr K Prabhakar Rao sadly army has been given the tasks such as laying carpets for Modijis yoga day at Delhi, building a bridge for Ravi Shankara Tamasha at Delhi, now for cleaning shit at far off mountain areas where visitors go and leave all shit around. Army is the only organisation in India that is ultimate and do jobs without opening the mouth. Civilian authorities know it well and exploit. Even during Dera baba crisis army was called when police entered baba complex in Haryana . they remained as watch dogs around , but not allowed to bark.other organisations refuse to do many jobs when called in , but army has given long rope to civil authorities and now they take it as granted. more over the top brass in army believe in muska polish hoping to get placements after retirement and promotions to higher levels than maintaining armys prestige. please remember Gen Sinha who was out spoken and was duly side lined for Army chiefs post .Chamchagiri has remained the main stay in the organisation.Back bone is permanently bent and probably needs surgical correction so that it becomes stiff like during Timmayyas days or cariappas days. Even Manekshaw was not bad and he spoke frankly and called a spade a spade, He addressed PM of the time as Indira. Where are we now?In protocol army chief is at the end of a serpentine cueue while scamsters, gangsters, even Rapists , jail birds, shady characters and corrupt who get elected override him. Where has gone former General VK Singh. In the reshuffle he has not been given a cabinet rank. He lowered himself by Taking to shitty politics and accepting A post of minister of state with independent charge for North Eastern affairs and development and now days he is not heard about. The ministry was handed over to Jitendra Singh and the General was made minister of state for external affairs.In the recent show down with China we have not heard anything about Gen VP Singhs reaction although he was the minister concerned for affairs in North East areas earlier.There was no mention of his name in press. Where is he. I hope his wings have been finally clipped.goys like col Rathod are wilding more power than the General.On point is very clear. retired Generals will never be given prominence in civil govt.They are like foot ball players who are stationed at the edge of the play ground on sides.In ticket they are pet at the boundary or as water boys or 12 man

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