Thursday 10 September 2020


INTO THE PAST WITH Sept 2020 Gandhi, Patel and Nehru are seen walking on Hyderabad street at koti... Gandhi... Patel. What is this. This place used be so crowded. there is no rush here too. Strange. Why people are staying far from each other even at vendor carts of fruits Patel.I shall find out Patel goes to a fruit cart. Patel. Brother why you are keeping far from others. Vendor shh, sahib please stay far from the cart. Patel why. How do I check the fruit. Vendor. There is no checking .whatever I give take it Patel. Bhai .this is bad. There may be bad stuff too. Vendor. Do you think I am a bad guy to sell bad fruit. Patel. i did not say that. Vendor. Bhai go away if you do not purchase.stay far away Patel goes to another guy and goes close to him. He is a toys seller. Toy seller. Bhai stay far . Do not come close Patel Am I untouchable? Toy vendor . did I say that. Patel. Then what do you mean asking me to stay far Toy seller. Look brother . There are govt orders that every one must maintain distance of two metres from each other. Patel but why. Toy vendor.. Sir . Whole world is suffering from virus called covid 19. You can catch it if you happen to touch a man with such virus. Patel.but how do I know some guy has virus. Toy vendor . That is why as precaution every one has to be away from each other. Patel. Since when..? As Patel did not go back quickly , Gandhi and Nehru approach Patel and come close. Toy vendor. Shhh stay away from us. Gandhi. Hey come on ....behave.Is this your pops road. Behave yourself Two three vendors collect and strat shouting at Gandhi.. Gandhi. Hey why are you shouting like this..? you guys have no respect to age even. it is our mistake that we came to help you Vendor . What help you can give us?Can you eradicate the virus from India? Can you prepare vaccine attest. Gandhi. I do not have that power to do that. The virus has entered the entire world to punish people for all their bad deeds. This is effect of Kali. as you sow so you reap. Understand. We are going. Suffer now. Patel and Jawaharlal. Come on let us go from here. The trio leave the vendors and return to the pavement and sit at a corner away from people. a vendor slowly approaches them Vendor. You guys are very old. We can recognise your statues in the city. are you the same guys. Patel yes. Vendor but they died long ago. How you are here? Patel you will not understand Another vendor.. Looks these guys are mad pèrsons. imagining themselves to be the past national leaders. Patel. We are they and they are we.both are same. They and we are can not say that they are not we and we are not they. Vendors Eee...eye.. We are getting mad. They all run away from there. Gandhi. Let us go . Stupid persons, no one can help these guys from virus. it is the punishment from nature for wired behaviour of human beings.. Let us go The trio walks away singing ramdhun CURTAIN FALLS

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