Thursday 30 September 2021


 He was   the  most dedicated hand of Aurobindo and was  also arrested along with aurobindo in Alipore bomb case. Spend an year in jail and was released . When Aurobindo moved to Pondicherry and setup and ashram he also went and joined ashram.  He managed to ashram. till he  end.  

Pl see wikipedia for detail accounts of his biography that is available. 

Organisations formed outside India to fight for freedom for India

 The first one was Ghadar party formed in USA from where they planned to  wage war against the British govt in India.  It was  the time of WW I. It was mostly organised by Punjabi Sikhs and few other Punjabis.  Very noted persons were members of the organisation.   It also organised activities along with Bagha Jatin another famous Bengali activist and  with the help of German govt tried to send arms and ammunition   for starting armed rebellion in India. They basically aimed at  instigating Indian army regiments in India  to commit mutinies throughout the cantonments.   However there were many betrayers too in the organisation due to which most of the mutinies  failed and  mutineers were arrested and  nearly 500 of activists were hanged and scores were jailed in anda,mans  .   The mission  failed to achieve   aims. However the Ghadar party  could stir passions in revolutionaries and person like  Ras behari Bose escaped to Japan and raised The Aza hind fauz in Japan . Netaji Bose later  ecaped to Germany  met Hitler and convinced Hitler to  wage war against the British govt and libearte India., Netaji raised a libeartion army called Indian legion that was 3000 strong  with logo of springing tiger that was  part of German army Wehrmacht and German army officers commanded the army. and trained them, This force was not to be used in WW II against other armies except the British army. The force was raised in   Berlin with the captured soldiers in  WW II mostly during operations in Africa.  Later due to change of German plans ,  Netaji went to Japan with the help of Germans by submarine and took control of rickety Indian national army from Ras bihari bose  and under  his illustrious command it rose to be a strong fighting force with  60 000 fighting troops amounting to three divisions who were well trained. Netaji also established Free India govt at Singapore and had separate currency and bank Netaji was the president and PM of Azad hind govt and was the supreme commander of INA. This force  along with Japanese army attacked Burma and later entered Eastern India, fought bitter battles with Britisn army and captured important areas in Manipur and Nagaland.Indian flag was hoisted at manipur for the fisrst time. However, when Atom bomb was dropped on Japan by USA in 1945, japan had to surrender and INA also surrendered.  Netajis where abouts are not known and it is believed that he died in an air crash in 1945 while he was proceeding to an unknown destination..


 Kakaori   kand was a train robbery  by Revolutionaries led by Chadrasekhar azad, Ramprasad bismil,  and many distinguished activists of revoultionary organisation.  The train carrying govt money was  hatted at Kakori rail station near Lucknow and was looted.   couple of civilians were killed in the act. All revolutionaries   escaped. Most of the members later were hunted and arrested except azad , were tried and hanged and some sent to life term at Andamans.  The  kakaoro kand was intended to loot money to get arms for revolutionary activities. The kakori kand created sensation in the country and it boosted morale of the activists and  it was also intended to   draw attention of Govt to the  volatile situation in the country that was  aiming for  getting freedom  for the country.  Many  revolutionaries were  later hanged and sent  to jail, it drew the public attention in the country to the activities. It was unlike  Chittagong armoury raid that was a major event  that shook up the british govt in India.

HSRA in which shaheed Bhagat singh was a member

 Hindustan    socialist Republican  organisation, ( HSRA) earlier it was known as  Hindustan republican army  founded by Ramprasad Bismil Sachindranath Bakshi SB  Sanyal,  and  Jc chatterjee. Earlier to it was called  Hindustan Republican association i.e HRA. Bhagat   singh was a very active member of HSRA

FRUIT DOVE painting


FRUIT DOVE, Water colors, 30x 20 cm paper, Bird of phillipines 



 GUY on left.. Sir what does this  phrase written on the lorry tail board in Telugu ,mean/ It is

 written  in Telugu...Talli dhuvvena  meaning  MOTHERS COMB.. It maks no sense.

Guy on Right a professor. The painter fool has written it . It should be TALLI DEEVENA .. meaning mothers blessing. The guys are clueless about Telugu language  write all nonsense. Very bad


GAMBELS QUAIL, water colors 10x 11 inch paper


Guy on left.  Look There is a name plate.. in which the name .. LONI KUDARI
 is written in Telugu.. Some parsi guy is staying here

Guy on right.. shh Non sense. Fool has written. It should be LONIKIDARI means passage to upstaris upstairs.  All letters should be together. The jokers are ruining the Telugu language. 



On a notice board it is  written .. Meda meeda type cheya badunau. in Telugu language. meaning . Typing will be done on the neck

Guy on left.  Shh.. how it is possible?. How neck can get under the roller?

 Gy on right.. Fool he is.. He means he will do typing  upstairs. Jokers have ruined the Telugu language



Friday 24 September 2021

DONTHI FORT, painting

DONTHI FORT, water colors, 1011 inch paper, It is a provincial fort in Medak dist near Toopran . Toopran is located on Hyderabad Nizamabad  national highway ,   Donthi is 60 km from Hyderabad . Donthi was  a   samsthan under Nizam of Hyderabad  ruled by a queen . Temple of Venugopala swamy ( Krishna ) is adjacent to the fort. The fort is neglected   and not maintained,

SD BATISH, pencil portrait.


SHIV DAYAL BATISH..( S D BATISH). Pencil sketch,CLASSICAL VOCALIST ,PLAY BACK SINGER, TRAINER, MUSIC DIRECTOR, COMPOSER. He sang many songs ,duets and composed music for many films and contributed to indian cinema. He was versatile in playing many musical instruments. However he could not get fame like other popular musical directors of the day and singers of his times in hindi cinema. He later joined a British university where he taught music. He continued to live there and retired at university and passed away


KHAN MASTANA, Pencil sketch

 KHAN MASTANA, Pencil sketch, Popular singer  actor composer and music director of  Hindi cinema. He was contemporary of KL Saigal sahib. He delivered some very good songs


 FALL IN STANDARDS.  cartoon  .. Ramji karega beda par udasi mun kahe ko dare


ANDOLE FORT, water colors,10x11 inch paper

This  is provincial   fort and Andole was samstan under Nizams. This is the huge bastion in the fort and thefort is nor cared. It is near Jogi pet in telangana in Sanga Reddy dist. The umauthorised structures near the bastion indicate attitude of the govt towds the fort.  

PAMPAD FORT painting

 PAMPAD FORT , watter colors 10x11 inch paper

It is a provincial fort in dist sangaReddy in Telangana  from the days of Shivaji. Later it becamea samstan under Nizams of Hyderabad . Kasi bai was apopular ruler of the samstan 



                                     LIBERATION OF HYDERABAD IN 1948

                                                   Dr K Prabhakar Rao

Razvi became chief of razakars  meaning volunteers  in fact a para military force of hoodlums and goondas recruited from fanatic muslims,    locals and some  brought from pak and other Indian states. They were killers ,assassin, arsonists and rapists. Razvi styled himself as field marshal above to   army chief  Of Hyderabad who was a Maj gen El edroos an arab. Razvi boasted that bay of Bengal would wash  feet of nizam, asafia flag will fly over red fort, and he would build graves to patel and nehru soon. After meeting patel, he declared it is better to die with sword in hand than by stroke of pen. Patel called him to be a frankestein and nizam was in his company. Razvi was arrested at a house holding sword in his hand in company of   his supporters  after Hyderabad surrendered  after police action. India failed to eliminate him summarily immediately after capture. In any other country they would have done it . Many skeletons are hidden in cup boards  of India   and the souls of women in thousands who were dishonored wail over charminar in Hyderabad cursing razvi and nizam and police chief of hyd deen yar jung who closed eyes towards razakars crimies. They wail for the injustice meted to them. Razvi was given token ten years jail  by a three judge trial court in Bibinagar dacoity case but not found guilty in the murder of a popular  journalist  and later was allowed to go to pak where he died after some time. The crook,s life ended  thus. Patel  also died  in1951 suddenly  and  Nehru had complete peace as there was none stronger as Patel and all Congress men were toothless tigers and yes masters and opportunists to  the core. New dynasty   of Nehru after mughals was established. Patel was forgotten till   modi came in as PM of India in recent times after throwing out congress from the corridors of power,. . Subash's memory was, erased by Congress systematically during their long rule . India passed  into  hands  of crooks, opportunists , great  scammers, men of dubious credentials as foreseen by SirWinston Churchill. Of England. telangana was liberated in 1948 by Indian Army from rule of asifjahi  dynasty. Formation of Telangana state is not liberation but nothing more than reorganiszation  of states.

Sunday 19 September 2021

suicide safe fans ...

Inspector  How this has happened?

Warden of hostel.The owner fixed a suicide safe fan from market in the room  as safety. But the rod broke while running and  fell on a poor guys head. 

Person on right. Govt has erected iron grill around the transformer so that people do not climb over it.But the electricity leaked to the grill and a person is dead. Slip shot work by concerned 


SNOW PARTRIDGE, water colors, 10x 11 inch paper 


  wife .. High court gave orders  not to drop POP idols in water tanls in city and around and to put them in special water tanks constructed, Why order is reversed  Why this tamasha

Husband.. Did you believe it will happen. We are destined to suffer like this 


 LANDSCAPE water colors 35x 24 cm paper

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Re produced picassos painting in 1973

 This was  painted by me  from a small photo from a news paper in 1973  using old olive green  canvass stretched on wooden  frame using Enamel paints  as no art paints were available  any where near by  after about two years of Indo pak war 1971. size 600 x 450 mm 

THE CHIEF, painting

 THE CHIEF water colors, 10x11 inch paper

Monday 13 September 2021

ABDUCTION OF HELEN painting reproduced

HELEN OF TROY HER ABDUCTION, reproduced by painting from  a book by unknown author, water and poster colors   36x 23 cm paper


 He is from Telugu state and a famoussinger in telugu and south indian films. He sang thousnads of songs for Ilaya raja a famous MD. He sang in many languages including Hindi. He is a TV anchor   critic, and Judge and  composer .He commands great respect in the field    

AMIT KUMAR, Play back singer



AMIT KUMAR, ELDEST SON OF KISHORE KUMAR, PLAY BACK. SINGER , His mothers name is Ruma first wife of kishore. he gave play back for many pictures and was successsful. However, at later stage he shifted to releasing his albums by establishing a company. He sang in many languages . He shifted away from movie field.



NITIN MKESH, play back singer

CHAND MATHUR, He sang With leading lady singers of the day.under famous music directors khayyam, RD Burman, laxmikant pyarelal ,bappilshiri, rajesh roshan. he was active from1970 to 2000. He had published many albums. He went on tour including America in 1993 to sing in tribute to his father and went again on world tour in 2000.He is 71 years now. His son Neil is an actor.

Saturday 11 September 2021

Into the past with pain..348


                                   INTO THE PAST WITH PAIN  348

                               Colonel Prof Dr K Prabhkar Rao Vetearan


Gandhi, Nehru and Patel are seen  at Koti in Hyderabad in their usual attire. They are  near troop bazar and  are  dragging their feet. Bapu is holding his long stick.

Gandhi.  Jawahar  I think  we must    go to some bank and find out whether we can have bank account.

Patel. What for?

Nehru. Why bapu . Why we need these now? Do we need  money  now ?

Gandhi. Without money nothing moves. We keep coming quiet often to this country.

Patel. OK let us try. To Which bank  will we go?

Gandhi. Any one, in which money is there.

Patel. Ok there is  one in this place . We shall try


(They go to a road side vendor to enquire)

Gandhi, Hello bhai is there a bank in this place?

Vendor . Yes  sir. Just behind me there is a big bank. You can read the name too.

Patel. Thanks  bhai for the hep

Vendor.  what help I have done to thank me

The trio goes to the  main door of the bank after climbing few steps.  T^here is a board .. GOLMAL BANK. There are steps and also an inclined path with railing. Babu climbs steps while others walk over the ramp.

 At the main door a  sentry is there who stops them

Sentry. Where do you want to go sir?

Gandhi, Hame bank ke andar jana hai. Kya ham jaa sakte?

Sentry. OK .  but kya kam hai?

Patel. Is it a must to tell you what we are going to do there? These are personal things

Sentry. It is not like that. If you tell me I can guide you correctly. Otherwise ,you will run around here and there.

Gandhi. Oh I thought some thing else.

Sentry. Are you taking the stick inside

Gandhi. Yes  without this I feel uncomfortable

Sentry. I will ask manager and let you know . Please wait here

He goes in   and returns after few minutes

Sentry. Sir.  we do not allow taking sticks.  It is objectionable. You may keep this with me. I will give back when you return

Gandhi. Bha ,I feel difficult to walk without this

Sentry. As exception we are allowing you.

Nehru. Thank you brother, May god bless you.

 Sentry. Who is he?

Nehru.. God

Sentry. I do  not believe in god.

Gandhi. OK, OK  never mind. Thank you bhai.

The trio opens glass door and walk in.  They open another glass door and enter a large room where many people are sitting  in cabins and  doing paper work.  Some are drinking Chai I,e tea. Some are speaking on phones.  Some are chatting with each other giggling. Some are serious as if the whole world is resting on their shouldrers.

Nehru goes  to a person and  enquires. His name is ram bharose

Nehru. Where can we open an account?

Ram.. Sir you have come to a wrong place . Go to another large room with glass doors. That is the place. Please   wear masks immediately. If you do not have go to sentry . He will give  for Rs ten each

Patel. We have masks with us.

They quickly wear masks and go to another big room. Outside, they have a sanitizer stand with instructions , where they spray the liquid to the palms and rub hands then they enter inside.

The moment they enter, a person Holds a pistol like gadget to Gandhis fore head . He is  firkiram

Gandhi .Hey are you shooting me?

 Firki ram.. No bhai, I am taking your temperature. If you have fever we will not allow you

Gandhi. Eee.. What is all this ?I thought you are going to kill me.

The trio passes the fever test and then are allowed to get in. they go to a counter…may I help you? A lady is manning the counter. Her name is Radha


  Radha  what I can do for you sir?

Gandhi. Madam,I want to open an account.

Radha. Yes, You can do. (She gives an application and asks Gandhi  to fill up and hand over with the enclosures indicated at different places)

(Gandhi goes to a standing desk with patel and Nehru)

Gandhi. There is no place to sit and write. How can old people stand and write and fill up these long applications.  Appears, senior citizens have no facilities

Patel. true bapu. Banks are least bothered about these facilities.values have disappeared.

Gandhi. In the second column ,I have to write home address. What should I write? we don’t have any home now.

Nehru. Write c/o Old age home, street no 2 Vaikuntam.

Gandhi. There is a remark stating enclose your Xerox copy of  Adhar card. Original should be shown for verification. Next requirement is enclose Xerox of PAN card. What is this PAN card ?Next is occupation. I can write retired and doing time pass.

Patel. They will surely need phone number and  details  of   organisation from  you which retired

Gandhi. That I do not have.

Nehru. What is this Adhar card.

Patel. It is a type of identification issued by Govt. The  govt has some office , where it is issued after furnishing details . They will also take photos with their camera.

Gandhi. I see

Patel. But the photos they take are atrocious. One can not recognise you from the photo they take.  You look deformed and atleast another twenty years old. Some times your photo is not printed but some  others photo or a childs photo will be there. Do not be surprised if a cats or cows photo appears on your card.  Hee.hee

Gandhi    .ee..eee. aaa.What crap is going on in this country?. Now, I have to get some clarifications. I shall go to help counter again.( He goes to the counter)

Radha. Sir ,Have you filled up the form?

Gandhi. I do not have any adhar card ,pan card and proper address and tele phone number

Radha. How is that? How are you managing? Now where do you stay?

Gandhi. In vaikuntham

Radha. I never heard about that colony where is it?

Gandhi, It is not in this city. It is in heavens

Radha come on sir. You are joking.. how can it be?

Gandhi. I am telling truth.

Radha. Sir your face looks familiar. Where I have seen . (she scratches her head)

Gandhi. Daily you must be seeing me.

Radha . Yeah…I see your photo on all  currency notes. That is MK Gandhi.

Gandhi. Now you are correct. I am MK Gandhi

Radha. But you died long ago in 1948.. shot dead by Godse at Delhi. I read in books

Gandhi. Why remember all those things?

Radha. But how you are back again. Did you not you die. ? you were cremated also. I saw your Samadhi in Delhi at Rajghat. There is a black marble on Samadhi.

Gandhi. All those things are true

Radha. Then how you are alive? For dead people ,no bank  issues account. How can you reappear?

Gandhi. I some times come to earth.

Radha. Then you must be a ghost or a spirit

Gandhi. I am not a ghost or spirit. I am only the soul of Gandhi

Radha.. eee..eee.  ( . she screams loudly and  faints?


(There is a commotion at the bank as she falls from her desk and lies on ground froth coming out from the mouth. All people gather around her not knowing  what happened at the help counter.

Gandhi slowly slips out and joins patel and Nehru)

Patel. What happened? … she fell down. There is a commotion in bank. I think we must slip out immediately,

The trio slowly goes out from glass door and reaches exit door where the sentry is seen  doping  in chair.

The trio walks over the ramp and goes onto the road and walks over to a tea shop.

They hear  screaming of an ambulace that arrives at great speed. After some time, the ambulance rushes out screaming again along with two more bank cars. 

Sentry at bank appears puzzled. 

Gandhi.. I think we must go from here. The girl at counter was scared when I told who I was. She fainted.

Patel. Bapu,  lot of changes have been introduced in banking system  at present. These adhar   pan card were introduced to prevent  bad elements in the country  getting into the  system. 

Gandhi. Do you think all is well now?

Patel.  I doubt. It is humanly not possible to arrest all mischief. Loop holes will be there always.

Nehru.  Even after introducing  all these , banks have been duped and  thieves who duped banks escaped from country. Skeletons are still rolling out of cupboards.

Patel.  It is almost impossible to eradicate mischief. It can be reduced. When  honesty is there dishonesty also will be there. Particularly middle class guys are much oppressed on all fronts. Those are rich and very rich can always manage and get away. All govt organisations help them. Middle calss guys are shoed around at 3very place and they are made to run from pillar to post. Suckers are middle class persons.

Gandhi. Where do we stand.? Which class?

Patel You and me  are middle class not Nehru

Nehru. How? Do you think I have   thousands of crores.

Patel. You know better. Your Dynasty knows.

Gandhi . patel. leave it there? We are dead now and do not have any mortal money and  we do not need.

Patel then why you tried for an account?

Gandhi. I think I should not have done. Good riddance. Let us go back

In the mean time the sentry is heard shouting..

Sentry.. sir , sir. Look at those three  old guys who came into bank and spoke to the lady at the counter. She fainted  after talking to one of the old one. Catch them. run

Patel. Bapu let us vanish from here or trouble will be there

The trio vanishes suddenly with a flash.


BHUPINDER SINGH, Play back and Ghazal singer. pencil portrait

 BHUPINDER SINGH, Play back and Ghazal  singer. He was picked up by famous Music director Madan mohan at a function and gave him a chance to sing in movies. He was a gutarist and also learnt violin. His songs Ek akele shahar mein,  and dil dhoondtha hai.. became very popular. He sang with many leading lady singers of the day. by 1980 he concentrated on private ghazal albums and consorts. career in movies was short lived.  tastes of people  changed rapidly  in the field  

SHAILENDRA play back singer, portrait

  SHAILENDRA. Play  back Singer  Pencil portrait

He came to prominence with movie bobby in 1970. That was the first movie of Rishi kapur son of movie giant Rajkapur. Mai shayar tho nahi and joot bole kawwa kate songs brought him popularity. He became voice of rishi kapoor. However by 1980 mid, he had to search greener pastures and concentrated to private albums of gazals and consorts. Stardom was short lived.

TRILOK KAPOOR, legendary actor singer

 TRILOK KAPOOR LEGENDARY ACTOR SINGER YOUNGER BROTHER OF PRITHWIRAJ KAPOOR. he actedwith most of the leading heroines of his time and his movies with noorjehan gave him fame. however HE WAS CLOUDED BY OTHER MEMBERS OF KAPOOR CLAN IN THE FIELD. Raj kapoor ensured his sons and brothers flourished in cinema and accordingly Randhir kapur and shashi kapur ( brother)became stars. Another son was also pushed into cinema and had some movies. Trilok kapur was most sought actor on mythological movies where he acted with Nirupa roy. Har har mahadev movie was a great hit. His photo as Lord shiva appeared as calenders all over India. Sadly people have forgotten his great contributions in the field. He was also a good singer and sang some songs in films but he could not make as singer actor. His contribution is no less than other kapoor family members.With Nirupa Roy he did 16 films and these were mythological movies Most of them were great hits.Sadly people have forgotten him

CHUKOR BIRD painting

 CHUKOR Partridge, water coors 10x11 inch paper

Thursday 9 September 2021