Thursday 30 September 2021

Organisations formed outside India to fight for freedom for India

 The first one was Ghadar party formed in USA from where they planned to  wage war against the British govt in India.  It was  the time of WW I. It was mostly organised by Punjabi Sikhs and few other Punjabis.  Very noted persons were members of the organisation.   It also organised activities along with Bagha Jatin another famous Bengali activist and  with the help of German govt tried to send arms and ammunition   for starting armed rebellion in India. They basically aimed at  instigating Indian army regiments in India  to commit mutinies throughout the cantonments.   However there were many betrayers too in the organisation due to which most of the mutinies  failed and  mutineers were arrested and  nearly 500 of activists were hanged and scores were jailed in anda,mans  .   The mission  failed to achieve   aims. However the Ghadar party  could stir passions in revolutionaries and person like  Ras behari Bose escaped to Japan and raised The Aza hind fauz in Japan . Netaji Bose later  ecaped to Germany  met Hitler and convinced Hitler to  wage war against the British govt and libearte India., Netaji raised a libeartion army called Indian legion that was 3000 strong  with logo of springing tiger that was  part of German army Wehrmacht and German army officers commanded the army. and trained them, This force was not to be used in WW II against other armies except the British army. The force was raised in   Berlin with the captured soldiers in  WW II mostly during operations in Africa.  Later due to change of German plans ,  Netaji went to Japan with the help of Germans by submarine and took control of rickety Indian national army from Ras bihari bose  and under  his illustrious command it rose to be a strong fighting force with  60 000 fighting troops amounting to three divisions who were well trained. Netaji also established Free India govt at Singapore and had separate currency and bank Netaji was the president and PM of Azad hind govt and was the supreme commander of INA. This force  along with Japanese army attacked Burma and later entered Eastern India, fought bitter battles with Britisn army and captured important areas in Manipur and Nagaland.Indian flag was hoisted at manipur for the fisrst time. However, when Atom bomb was dropped on Japan by USA in 1945, japan had to surrender and INA also surrendered.  Netajis where abouts are not known and it is believed that he died in an air crash in 1945 while he was proceeding to an unknown destination..

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