Friday 24 September 2021



                                     LIBERATION OF HYDERABAD IN 1948

                                                   Dr K Prabhakar Rao

Razvi became chief of razakars  meaning volunteers  in fact a para military force of hoodlums and goondas recruited from fanatic muslims,    locals and some  brought from pak and other Indian states. They were killers ,assassin, arsonists and rapists. Razvi styled himself as field marshal above to   army chief  Of Hyderabad who was a Maj gen El edroos an arab. Razvi boasted that bay of Bengal would wash  feet of nizam, asafia flag will fly over red fort, and he would build graves to patel and nehru soon. After meeting patel, he declared it is better to die with sword in hand than by stroke of pen. Patel called him to be a frankestein and nizam was in his company. Razvi was arrested at a house holding sword in his hand in company of   his supporters  after Hyderabad surrendered  after police action. India failed to eliminate him summarily immediately after capture. In any other country they would have done it . Many skeletons are hidden in cup boards  of India   and the souls of women in thousands who were dishonored wail over charminar in Hyderabad cursing razvi and nizam and police chief of hyd deen yar jung who closed eyes towards razakars crimies. They wail for the injustice meted to them. Razvi was given token ten years jail  by a three judge trial court in Bibinagar dacoity case but not found guilty in the murder of a popular  journalist  and later was allowed to go to pak where he died after some time. The crook,s life ended  thus. Patel  also died  in1951 suddenly  and  Nehru had complete peace as there was none stronger as Patel and all Congress men were toothless tigers and yes masters and opportunists to  the core. New dynasty   of Nehru after mughals was established. Patel was forgotten till   modi came in as PM of India in recent times after throwing out congress from the corridors of power,. . Subash's memory was, erased by Congress systematically during their long rule . India passed  into  hands  of crooks, opportunists , great  scammers, men of dubious credentials as foreseen by SirWinston Churchill. Of England. telangana was liberated in 1948 by Indian Army from rule of asifjahi  dynasty. Formation of Telangana state is not liberation but nothing more than reorganiszation  of states.

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