Monday 17 August 2020

Mind your job by Dr k Prabhakar Rao

Mind your Dr k Prabhakar Rao........The star plates and flags which army officers display while travelling in vehicles, are the special privileges accorded. By govt to certain ranks. But the moment one retires from service these are discontinued forth with except retaining his title as a veteran. the moment one retires every officer irrespective of his rank is grounded and levelled. Sadly the officers are unable to accept the facts after retirement and still live in a fools paradise. The cartoon was posted to draw attention to this fact. Given a chance the tombs will be decorated with star plates and flags too. One must reconcile to the fact that once you enjoyed these privileges, nothing more. You are now like any one in the society. if you like mingle or stay aloof in your house and mind your own work. Fade away respectfully. do not live with bloated mouth and live in isolation with no sentry to salute like a slave and twisting moustache with a peg of rum in Hand in your sitting room in the evenings. Never utter when I commanded.... Etc that civilians hate to hear particularly from corporates, never give opinions unless asked..fade away dignified.

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