Thursday 20 August 2020

STRANGE PEOPLE AT HELM OF AFFAIRS.. is Indians defence preparedness at stake ?

Sadly the guys at policy making are clueless about the word defence even after getting a stern kick by PLA recently.they are absolut ely wrong in this aspect.all of a sudden you can stop stop defence needs by stroke pen.they are cutting their own throats.they are after their building name than the country's name.history will teach them a good lesson.the present quiet period at the border will be used by China to strengthen their troop and material build up only to strike with more planning and strategy while we will be sucking thumbs and may or may not wake up when we receive a strong kink on our ass. This is inevitable. We are being ruled by a bunch of useless men devoid of any thought and fore thought.We thought we are over the Nehrus era. No we are still in that foolish era. Let country go to dogs.the politicians at top will build up their electoral chances than country's preparedness to face eventualities. Shame,I fully I agree with observations.that stooges are everywhere. India is at dangerous cross roads, While The enemy has given us beating with a stick, We are looking here and there sheepishly, and failed to give the enemy a mighty kick. we have dropped like a toad in a deep well, Struggling to get out from the waterless big hole, are clueless to know the ways to get out, sure to be clubbed to death like a struggling injured mole. all of a sudden the top guy declares no import of vehicles and arms, as if the country can produce everything in a thumbs flicking , Strange guys are at the centres of power in this land, Who act as if they are magicians with their thumbs cliicking. Know that even cycle was not made by us on our own, Everything was given for production with drawings and licence , We took thirty years to produce a relic Arjun tank that never saw a war hope God will give our guys some grey matter and sCence. Even jonga, Nissan ans Man vehs were made under licence, Except Tatas and Leyland we had no clue of our own, we talk of going to moon overnight in a space ship, While we can not stitch our own gown.

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