Thursday 6 August 2020

Will handful rafale planes Make a difference against China by Dr k Prabhakar rao

WILL HANDFUL RAFALE AIRCRAFTS MAKE A DIFFERENCE AGAINST PLA. Dr k Prabhakar Rao the latest Rafales acquired by India will not make any difference to threat from China. of course India has resorted to drum beating about Rafales warning China over the stand off at Ladakh. it is already in the news that Chinese fighter planes of latest type are far superior to rafalesWe have just few such planes for show case purpose. The world experts are of opinion that Pak Air Force F 16 out gunned Indian planes in the past Indian attack on militant base in Pakistan territory. our Mig 21 flown by Pilot Abhinandan was brought down by a Pakistan missile.That was evident from the loss of Indian plane piloted by Indian pilot who was captured when bailed out.We should not live in fools paradise. Few planes here and there have no meaning. More over if Rafales are employed in Indian Ocean claimed in media how they will help against PLA in Himalayan battle fronts. are we always trying to escalate war zones into Indian ocean whenever threat from China occurs in Himalayas. probably PLA is least bothered about it. it has sizeable naval fleet and air crafts at their bases and carriers.we haveno strategy and fore thought. every battle has to be fought and won in the sector concerned. This is not like WW II to expand the theatre. In fact we have already lost even before we began the war. Chinese are entrenched and situation is becoming fait accompli. We have to accept loss of territory to PLA OR fight PLA and throw them needs courage and risk taking ability that is at present lacking With the clueless politicians and all knowing theory based generals who have no war experience except some having experience in fighting military in Kashmir,in fact the field commanders at borders have no authority to take on the spot decisions to save the territory. they have to look always back at Rajnath Singh or Modi and sadly NSAWhat a shameful situation indeed. Galwan valley fight was an exception when soldiers took law into hands and fought whole night with whatever they had and killed scores of PLA MEN AFTER THEY LOST THEIR CO.. inability of The generals who look to be wet scareD crows sitting in a corner is shameful. Earth worms that can not stand stiff are crushed by every Tom dick and Harry. although we are claiming that the whole big powers are with us against China, it is strange that we wasted precious time and PLA has entrenched itself. On our soil.looks the sacrifices at Galwan valley has faded into history UN sung and UN heard.

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