Sunday 16 August 2020

tolerance is nothing but another name for timidity by Dr k Prabhakar Rao

Gandhis philosophy based fully on Buddhist and Jesus Christ thoughts. Nothing original from Gandhi. Probably his experiments with truth could be something original on sex experiments. Strange experiments.. However excessive tolerance IS taken as sign of weakness and enemies play with us. What happened to us from China recently is the result of excessive tolerance and fools Ish incompetence and dilly dallying lacking confidence.Tolerance is taken as a sign of timidity and incompetence. Our reaction after attack on Bombay taj hotel has been dubbed as timidity. India suffered. Kasab was fed for years and then hanged while MK Gandhis s eliminator godse was was hanged quickly after sentencing along with accomplice Narayan Apte. Excessive tolerarance is detrimental to national security and growth and existence.It should be limited.Prithvi Raj suffered at hands of Ghori due to excessive tolerance. The devil Ghori finally killed Chauhan and India became a Slave to musselmans and soon were enslaved.Indian people are suffering at hands of various govts due to high corruption, inaction, scams, swindling hoarding, money laundering activities. Cheating banks by those who took loans like Mallya and others and Indians have very high tolerance to these mischiefs. So they are cheated every time by politicians. in any other country like France revolution took place against king. in Russia too revolution was led to victory by Lenin.In Cuba too revolution took place, Mao led Chinese to liberation against Chiang 1948. Even Pakistan was ruled by military dictators who were fed up with civilian rule. All Muslim nations are autocratic either under kings or under army. But India survived inspite of best ground being for a revolution. Strange set up indeed in world. Hindus are docile by nature and lack courage and have withdrawn symptoms. Centuries of our history prove this. Why it has rolled down from the past days of Mauryan, Pallavan chola shalivahan , days of Harsha and Vikramaditya. After India got freedom whatever was left crashed down. We became mental weaklings if not physical.why India could not see a similar revolution.since seventy years and continues to suffer silently. Will this be considered as very good tolerance or too much of Gandhism and influence on DNA of Indians,.? there are no real lovers of Gandhi now in India except that Gandhis name is used for self elevation than adherence to some questionable good thoughts. secondly the fighting spirit of Indians has been destroyed by series of saints some real while others were mere India and the race has turned into incompetent sufferers at every ones hands. the recent suffering at hands of PLA is the best example to prove the thought. the same is not true for PLA. I we had attacked PLA we would have been made into pulp by this time. So corollary is that never have excessive tolerance. in today's world tolerance it is futile.

1 comment:

  1. Gandhi in his book. experiments with truth claims that he slept naked between to women and t, Estes his arousal and control on emotions..
