Wednesday 19 August 2020


We are standing at the edge of the fence counting time.. . I am sure that this country would disintegrate to pieces and bits or Islamised very soon, I have seen the country and served it more than a half century in senior positions and found that the country is with sub standard commitment, loyalty, honesty and integrity. what we need is a dictatorship with a man like Bose and not Modi who is no match to Bose. Modi is just a politician like any one although a shade better. What we need is a task master like Bose who did not play with words to appease the people or colleges. he said what is needed truly and stuck to it. hence Hindus and Muslims gave their lives for him. leaders hovering over us come no where to Bose.They soon vanish into dark pages of history never to be heard. the way we are handing China and its aggression, we should not be surprised if China occupies Arunachal very soon and establishes itself at chickens neck at Siliguri corridor. Then we have to lump it. These calamities would be our self doing only, And can blame none from outside.we have no commitment, a sure policy,patriotic outlook of even one gram. Our leaders weight everything with electoral gains and thus they play vote bank politics. Hence we suffer every time. when we go defencive every time with China, it is seen as if we are damne scared of them and they get upper hand and bully us. Remember what happened in 1967 at nathula during the time of SAGAT Singh. The general gave the Chinese a fitting reply and they had no courage to look at us. Till yesterday. Now they knew our weakness. We slept under fear of covid. But China did not. They planned and inducted troops with fixed plan and we were caught unawares. Our generals slept in quilts over glasses of rum.we paid prize.we did not wake up even when our twenty soldiers and their CO col Kumar were ambushed and killed in cold blood. We accepted it. Till now PLA casualties have not been declared. We live in false glory that we killed hundreds of PLA men that night.why are we living in fools paradise? How long we continue to discuss with PLA? What we are going to achieve by these silly talks months after months. Raj Nath Singh the MOD declared long ago that the PLA is not going to withdraw and we have to lump it meaning we lost territory. Whom we are fooling about. the nation has been well fooled over PLA intrusion. as usual we lost the portion of land, the Chinese policy of nibbling into out territory has been successful and we remained comic figures as usual.

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