Monday 12 July 2021

Can we see light at end of tunnel?

                                              CAN WE SEE LIGHT AT END OF THE TUNNEL?

                                                      Colonel Prof Dr K Prabhakar Rao retd

No doubt   the head of the present govt is  not corrupt and  he is struggling to do something that no one has ever done so far... My contention is   that, yet there are many failings too. He cannot  transform mindset of crores of people with a magic wand even if he enjoys bull dozer majority.. The mind set is entrenched since    Satya yuga  and the society is fully cemented with such mindset.   He has to deal many strange persons with drawn swords always   like Owaissi sahib . Can he change basic structure of constitution? Unless this is done, most of the vexing problems can not be solved. The Constitution was a conglomeration of American and British  thoughts and their constitutions and  to which we  were slaves. The writers had lofty expectations  from the people of India and expected the leaders to be honest to the core. Alas  it was not true. In multi religious,multi sectarian society with variety of languages every one claiming supreme and  drawing swords against each other,  the Constitution  book  has   many short comings that makes governing rather impossible. Sir Winston Churchill the former PM of England declared  before 1947 that poor India would be handed over to a bunch of crooks  and oppertunists  who would tax even a glass of water and a piece of bread.  His predictions have become true. The country is built over  falsified foundation. No foundation can be repaired if it is fully  rotten. We are in that state. We suffered much  in 70 years of freedom at the hands of series of leaders in state and center under the present book called constitution. For vote banks the leaders have divided the society into shreds  resulting in no unity and caste politics are the worst danger to the country. As a result  ,there is no light at end of tunnel. As time flows by, we are getting more and more entrapped and sinking deep into a shit pot. The tunnel is getting more and more dark with no end. I agree that present govt did certain things that could not be done by others like  dispensation of article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. It was possible due to bull dozer majority and some will to do  too. But, it is the people and bureaucrats in particular in the country that need reformation and probably this  he can not achieve. The muck collected since 70 years will not go so easily. He will run out of time.Even today, bureaucrats play their game and there is no fear. Only autocratic rule can not change things. Even if one enjoys bull dozer majority,  one must try to take every one along with him as much as possible.  In present conditions,  we have scores of hurdles. These were  exposed during farmers agitation and  OROP struggle by veterans  when  Ex service men  were dishonored at Jantar mantar by Delhi police personnel   , latest in   dealing with PLA in recent times to safeguard our territory and  dealing with covid pandemic in second phase.Although we developed vaccine success fully and supllied to other weaker nations and beat up chests,  soon the initiative was lost and in second phase were caught unawares very  badly resulting in scores of deaths. Our poor health facilities and infra structure countrywide were exposed badly and had to run from pillar to post. Till now, the money stacked in swiss banks  remains there. All have forgotten about  the issue. No culprit who resorted to bank scams  is  behind bars. All have escaped except some small fish.Probably efforts are going on to catch them. God knows when they will be caught.However, hope things will change to better. Wish him the  best like to any one. 

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