Monday 19 July 2021




                                               Dr K Prabhakar Rao

        As for as I know, there is no treaty.between UK Navy and India  for co operation against China in sea waters.. They might go in. Infact ,Britain is  a much weakened power now from what it was once during wwii or earlier. It has lost its cutting edge   and  is more or less a spent force. One of the main reason for granting freedom to India in 1947 was great devastation caused to it during WW II and  weakening of its military might.   The naval  action of  last time after wwII was during Falkland war against  Argentina. Later ,there was  no naval action except moving of ships here and there  as a show business and some  past time.

Now, they moved  the naval mighty carrier ship  queen Elizabeth with some escort ships to Indian Ocean to take part in training actions with Indian Navy. If at all we have to counter threat of China  at sea, we may have to enter  into a treaty with another sea power. No one will get into treaty without conditions. No one does social service neither we. Our non alignment policy by Nehru  did not bring any friends to     our fold. We were snubbed   with a phrase.. Non alignment   was   a sin by American  secretary  of state.. NON ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT   was patronized by  only those nations who were weak politically militarily and economically  and were from third world countries and were of no consequence and thus  the movement struggled from beginning and rather died without doing anything.. 

In fact ,it was  started  by Nehru, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Marshal  Tito of Yugoslovia and  Sukarno of Indonesia who wanted to be in lime light some how. Now it is dead  although for name sake  it   exists. In world politics, give and take is the motto. But, India wanted to stay aloof because we chose to blindly follow Gandhian thought which was not relevant in a changed world.  During Chinese war in 1962 , we were beaten black and blue and were saved by USA, THANKS TO    JF KENNEDY the American president. But for his statement over BBC,  PLA  would have been in Tezpur  in few hours and would have cut off entire east at Chickens neck at siliguri corridor. In world politics, one can not choose to be in isolation still expecting carrots from the powers. Thus, if India has to face Chinese navy, we must have a  treaty with the super power or Britains navy. We have to pay a prize for it. If we delay, no one will come to our rescue in a crisis with China. These training naval exercises hardly matters in present situation  as China knows that there is no treaty for India with UK.It can get bold and browbeat us.Few helicopters inducted for hunting enemy submarines and with single aircraft carrier with naval planes too do not make us a sea power of any reckoning  in world. We may be slightly better than  minor countries like Malysia, Indonesia , Lanka , Maldives,  Burma that are too insignificant in the context but are no match to China that is emerging as super power. Should we beat our drums as a sea power in Indian ocean, Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea while we are not, in face of mighty china.

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