Thursday 1 July 2021

SULTAN UL QAUM SARDAR NAWAB BABA JASSA SINGH AHLUWALIA. HONORABLE 5 th jathedar of Akal takht. He took over from Nawab kapur singh and he served with great courage, determination, valor and dedication. When he was 21, he along with other Sikh bands attacked army of Nadir shah the persian ruler and freed Indian women and sent them home. Later, Abdali Durrani between 1747 to 1769 made 9 invasions on Delhi that badly weakened Mughal empire. But, he could not subdue Sikhs. Sikhs also helped Bhatapur ruler to ward off attacks by najib ud daula and rajput rulers. in early 1762 ,sikhs lost a battle against Abdali in battle of Kup. it was an unequal fight and Sikhs lost many civilians and army men. Sikhs again fought a battle with Abdalis forces and lost the battle. a massacre followed in which nearly 10000 Sikhs were killed. In spite of these losses, Sikhs rose up and defeated the faujdar of Abdali at Sirhind. Sardar jassa singh,
Baghel Singh and sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia along with their armies defeated Mughal forces in 1764 and captured Delhi.
He was the great leader who sat on Delhi's throne after capturing it and many times fought face to face with Ahmed shah Abdali. Rulers of Patiala and Jind stood in front of him with great humility. Rulers of Nalagad, Bilaspur, Kangra hills and Jammu touched his knees in reverence.. He bore thirty two sword cuts and bullet marks on his front of body and none in the back.. It was the time of physical strength and prowess that counted and only men of strong physical strength could counter Afghans. He was very large in size and end of his hands reached the knees and he could swing his heavy sword effortlessly on both sides. Sitting on a very large horse as big as an elephant he could be seen easily by 50,000 army and heard. He established independent state of kapurthala in 1772. He died on 20 oct 1783 at bandala Amritsar.


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