Tuesday 31 August 2021

TOUCON painting

TOUCON,South american bird, water color painting, 36 x 24 cm paper 

Talat Mehmood , Legendary play back singer

 TALAT MEHMOOD, Legendary actor singer of Hindi cinema. King of Ghazals

GHULAM MUSTAFA DURRANI, Legendary Hindi play back singer

 GHULAM MUSTAFA DURRANI, i.e GM DURRANI, pencil sketch 20x 24 cm paper. He was a very popular singer and sang many songs  and he was a mentor of Rafi another legend. Durrani sahib sang in later forties and in fifties. Later heis out put reduced. He had a set back in his career after returning from Haj.Reportedly ,he gave up singing after Returning from Haj. He was helped by Rafi  in his lean times.  He suffered ill health and cine actor nimmi  his relation took care of him and  in course of time passed away.

Manna dey, Legendary Play back singer of Hindi cinema


 MANNADEY.. Legendary Play back singer of Hindi cinema, pencil portrait 20x24 cm paper , Legendary blind singer actor  KC Dey of KL  Saigals times was Manna deys uncle and taught classical music to Mannadey.

Monday 30 August 2021


 These birds are  land  game birds and  stay in dry shrub county, They are hunted for highly edible meat. Many varieties are spread across the world .

Fort at budwel.. Rajender nagar.. Hyderabad. it is in very poor state and neglected.

 This fort is in Budwel village at outskirts of Hyderabad enroute to Rajinder nagar, The fort probably belonged to  a local ruler and vassal to Former Nizam of Hyderabad. Such  small forts were called Gadis. The bastion and walls  were built  from stone masonary and rubble stones athe bastion and walls  have firing ports with strong fortifications. most of the fort is in ruins.  Land sharks  and real estate agents have builtmany houses around budwel and the land prices soared due to commercialisation of outskirts.

Sunday 29 August 2021

CHANDRIGI provincial fort in Gulbarga district 18 century

 The  fort has granite stone walls up to certain  height over which mud walls were built that are as strong as granite walls and could withstand cannon fire. The fort was under a local ruler who was a vassal to Nizam of Hyderabad.Now this is in Karnataka state. as Gulbarga dist was transfered to Karnataka in 1956

Pankaj Mullick , Legendary singer and music composer of Hindi and Bengali cinema , pencil sketch

 PANKAJ MULLICK, Legendary singer and music composer of Hindi and Bengali cinema.Contemporary of KL Saigal pencil sketch 20x24 cm paper.  


 Wife..  Our son  after one year on line classes, has answered that cow says mew...mew when i asked him.. what does cow say..

Husband. It is OK. He will learn by the time he passes 10 th class. Relax


 CH ATMA Legendary singer of Hindi cinema, Pencil sketch 20x24 cm paper 

He shot into great fame with his songs  rowu main sagar ke kinare, dil bekarara hai, Ek sitara from Nagina in 1951. He acted in  some  films as singer actor hero . He  distinguished himself as a Ghazal singer and gave world wide concerts and built up wide audience. He followed saigal style  in most of his songs till he breathed.

Chevalai cricket.. Useless cricket

 Guy on left... Our team   won  cricket test few days ago in 
England. Now they lost second test very badly. Innings defeat,, what a shame.... We are spending crores of money for these guys  and giving them awards etc. Whats the use... very disgusting.

Guy on right.. Too bad. Neither we are  utilising the money  properly......  

Dongala pai dopidi.. Thieves plundered

 Wife.... Taliban are crying that terrorists attacked them

Husband. Thieves have been plundered

Saturday 28 August 2021

DONNOCK A British bird, painting

 DONNOCK  A British bird, water colors painting, 24x 20 cm paper 


 INDIAN QUAIL, water colors 20x24 cm paper. This bird is a land bird that  stays in dry shrub country and these birds are hunted for edible meat  They are also raised in farms.

Friday 27 August 2021





                                              Col Dr Prof K Prabhakar Rao  Veteran



                     Afghanistan  was always a trouble some country in Asian region. The terrain is very hostile with  deep mountains that are treacherous. The areas are occupied by tribes and  men who are dagger drawn against each other and lawless and no civilized law works there. The people are rugged fanatics  with poor education and medieval brutal  practices. They are religious frenzy. East India company  in the past also failed to control them and later British govt failed in their operations  against Afghanistan named NWFA. From 1933 to 1973, it was under King Zahir shah who was dethroned when he went abroad for treatment in 1973. Later, it became free for all and instability prevailed.  Russians occupied  it and Pakistan created resistance group and Talibans were the outcome. They waged wars and finally Russians withdrew . When Al quaida chief Bin  Laden took refuge after 9/11 attack on USA ,Afghanistan was invaded by USA and Taliban regime was pounded and  dethroned and they ran away to mountains. Since then Talibans were waiting for opportunity to recapture Afghanistan. A pro American govt was propped up there.Once American troops withdrew suddenly recently, it was golden chance and it became a walk   over for  Taliban although there was three lakh strong national army of afghan govt that literally looked other way   and let down the nation.This army was reportedly stocked and trained by Americans . They expected that  the national army would take care of the country. But it failed very badly.

              India always suffered at the hands of Afghan rulers during rule of slave sultans from 12 century onwards and  Mughal rule. Till the rule of Aurangazeb lasted Afghnas were kept at bay. Ahmed shah Abdali invaded India several times after Aurangzebs reign in 18 century and devastated India. He killed scores of men, carried away women and children as slaves. Women were sold in markets as slaves. In fact, Mughal empire perished due to constant raids by Nadir shah  from Iran  and later Abdali from Afghanistan as later Mughals were useless lot devoid of any character. They became name sake emperors after battle of plassey in 1757.

                              After the Indo pak war of 1948,  POK was occupied by Pakistan and thus we lost the land border with Afghanistan that was in POK. However Afghanistan became a battle ground for world powers and Pakistan became a major party in power struggle in Afghansitan. The common factor between Paksitan and Afghanistan  is the religion i.e Islam. Thus ,India automatically becomes  enemy to Pakistan . Afghansitan is trying to maintain its identity. The Taliban that was created by Paksitan to  fight Russians  turned its guns towards Pakistan later and Taliban hopes to Convert Paksitan into a Taliban  country too. There are ample sympathisers  in Pakistan. During Earlier Taliban regime, Indian plane was hijacked to Khandar and India had to hand over captured militants to Talibans to get Indian plane and passengers released during Bajpais rule. Bajpai felt that Indian passenger lives are far worth than few militants. Talibans  who are eccentric also destroyed Bamiyan buddhas on silk route by firing guns at them..  The maulvi of jama maszid in Delhi openly supported Taliban and Indian govt as usual  looked  other way. In any other country , he would have gone behind bars.

                     As a policy ,India does not recognize a country where the govt is formed by a coup or military or militant take over. Thus ,previous Taliban govt was not recognized. The present Taliban  take over also has not been approved although Taliban has ousted the Afghan govt and Ghani the previous president fled the country with kin. India failed to anticipate Afghan crisis and in a hurry to develop close relations with Afghans govt took up development of roads bridges and projects in that country and invested billions of Rupees and dollars.we are also training some of their cadets in our military training academies. Work is under progress  in Afghanistan when Taliban invaded Afghanistan .  India has been caught badly and is in great trouble. Taliban govt will not pay single rupee back to us. And what happens to the projects and development works there? Will Pakistan complete those works with their money to win over Taliban or will be abandoned. We have to wait and see. This is the greatest failure of Indian foreign policy towards Afghanistan. In a hurry to  win over Afghans to be one up  against paksitan,  India  has squandered away billions of rupees /dollars in a far off land that will not yield a single rupee to us. The short sighted foreign policy handlers in Delhi faltered greatly and  who will be responsible for this fiasco and financial loss. As it is our country is still a poor country where millions struggle for one meal in a day and it is painful to know that  such large sum of money has been squandered away by our leaders  due to very poor policies and over enthusiasm by the rulers who wants to earn name and fame.  At whose cost?

                 What advantage we will have by keeping Afghanistan in our pocket. One is to prop up Afghans  against Pakistan. From Afghan territory , secondly ,It would be possible to  promote some trouble in sindh and Baluch areas and help them in their struggle for freedom. As there is no land border with Afghansitan , it was a great disadvantage for India. Unless India reoccupies  POK, we will not have land border with Afghanistan. Once  Land border is available , things will be different and easier. With Taliban in the seat ,India will be exposed to  more terror attacks by Taliban inspired terrorists. Now with such cache of American arms and ammunition in Talibans control, militant activity against India will get a boost. With friendly Pakistan,    Taliban will have open access to POK and then into Indian territory to boost up militant activities. India can not pat its back that it has contained terrorism in J and K  after repeal of article 370 in the valley. All separatists in the valley of Kashmir are much elated with rise of Taliban next door and looking for active support from them. The stone pelting youth, motor cycle borne militants wielding weapons throwing grenades on security personnel also will get boost now. Our anti Indian groups, tukde tukde gangs from universities within the country are elated .Indian security has to be improved due to grave dangers from Taliban inspired militants. Road ahead to India is not smooth and is full of grave obstacles and threats although  some  brush off the threats.. With China in the league , the nexus of villains against India will become strong and India has to simultaneously handle all the three aggressors. China on the other hand is going strong in their activities against India and real worth of preparation and readiness will emerge only when  serious armed conflicts take place between two warring nations like India and China ,  pak also joining the fray along with Taliban. India has to  prepare for this situation and ostrich attitude that is normal with India  will lead to devastation to this country. Taliban already has expressed that establishing a land of khorasan  that includes complete India is their aim. With Muslim population increasing in states like Bengal, kerala, UP Delhi, Telangana etc threat can not be rubbed off. The militant outfits in India at various places are as good as Taliban in disguise who could be activated at the call. The recent Riots in Delhi right under the eyes of local administration  has to be  an eye opener. Any external war has to be aided by internal militant activities to cause serious destabilization  to a country.a It causes conflicts among social groups  based on religion. There is no dearth of anti Indian forces and leftist trouble makers in the country who   preach sedition and promote  break up of the country.

                  Thus, rise of Taliban next door can not be brushed aside and is a serious threat to India and we have to prepare for all eventualities.



common crows, painting

 COMMON CROWS, water colors 30x20 cm paper

Magpie bird painting

 MAGPIE Water colors  30x20 cm paper

GOVINDA AT Afghanistan




Afghan chaos






                             TARA BAI,  THE VALIANT MARATHA QUEEN ..  memory neglected

                                                Col    Prof Dr K Prabhakar Rao veteran 

                        True.. Her memory has been neglected.  Tarabai was the wife of Chatrapathi Raja Ram and she was from family of Mohites. Her father Hambir Rao mohite was the commander in chief of maratha army during shivajis times and commanded great respect. In fact, Tara bai managed  maratha  kingdom after sudden death of  her husband  Chatrapathi Raja Ram as regent of her son  till Sahuji was  released from  mughal captivity after death of Aurangzeb.  Sahuji was the captive  son of  Sambhaji  maharaj who was betrayed to Mughals  along with his mother by Suryaji pisal  after the  capture of Sambhaji maharaj to Mughals at Sangameswar. He was betrayed by Ganoji shirke to Mughals  at Sangameswar  Sambhaji was tortured and killed at tulapur in Mughal captivity. Sahu and his mother were taken to Delhi as captives where sahu grew up under the care of the emperor.. It was  a clever policy of mughals to ignite inner fight among maratha princes for the throne. Sahu was released by Bahadur shah I the Mughal emperor. As expected, Tara bai wanted her own son to be crowned while Sambhaji faction supported Sahuji. Many battles were fought  by  them and  Sahuji faction won and sahuji  was crowned as chatrapathi successor to sambhaji maharaj. After few years as a re conciliation, he permitted his  step brother to rule at Kolhapur.  The  real authority  in the empire   however  rested with Chatrapathi sahu maharaj at  Satara. Tara bai   withdrew into retirement after coronation of sahu maharaj. She agreed to stay at satara without any political power. People forgot her with rise of peshwas who wielded real power even during sahujis life time. Marathas are divided between Tarabai and sahu faction. Winner will always write history and opponent is neglected. although she protected the kingdom for seven years in the absence of a king .  Finally she had to withdraw her claim  for her  son. Result is obvious.  However we must respect her and build a memorial at her grave. 

                  Rajarams tomb is on Singhad fort near pune.   It is among wild growth in fort  in the fort uncared as seen  in 1976 . No one cares for it. A lone  pujari lights a lamp at  his tomb  after opening the door.. It is  a sad  chapter of Tarabai a valiant queen of marathas. Her grave  at Mahuli satara dist lies  uncared amidst debris and weeds. It is high time a memorial is built at the grave with a proper tomb. 

Thursday 26 August 2021

Parenting painting

PARENTING, WATER COLORS 30x 20 cm paper 


 INDIAN MINAH BIRDS Water color painting 30x20 cm paper

SURENDRANATH, Surendra, Legendary actor singer, Pencil portrait

SURENDRANATH ,BA LLB ( Surendra), IMMORTAL, LEGENDARY ACTOR, SINGER, contemporary of KL SAIGAL SAHIB. ( debut 1936) He acted in many hit movies and gave us many excellent songs and duets. To name some movies.. anmol ghadi, man mohan, bhartru hari ,vishwas, lal haveli, parinde, elan, anokhi ada, gawaiah, gharbar, aansuki duniya, deccan queen, maya machhindra, alibaba, imtehan, dukhiyari, meri kahani, 1857,kamal, ratnavali, jawani, , gramophone singer, jagirdar, hindustan hamara, baiju bawra, mahatma kabir,chithor vijay, garib, panihari, aurat, paigham, manjhdar, dynamite, ladies only, mahageet , kalki baat, village girl, seva samaj, vish kanya, miss devi, aarti, and many more... Songs were many and plenty...He played role of Tansen in baiju bawara that was a great hit. He however had no songs in the film and had play back by eminent classical singers. He acted as Hero and sang his own songs till 1954. Gawaiah was his last movie movie as a Hero. He did not sing in fils after 1954 except in pati patni in 1962 as a rare event.As character actor he acted in many films till he passed away in 1987 at Bombay.He established an advertisement company and produced commercials for leading brands. He was a thorough gentle men.


KL SAIGAL SAHIB, Pencil portrait. He was the immortal legendary actor singer in Hindi films during career 1933 to  1946 

Wednesday 25 August 2021


 BLACK PANTHER painting, water colors, 20, 16 cm paper

WOOD PECKER, painting

  WOOD PECKER water colors 30x20 cm paper


 SAND PIPER SEA BIRD, pencil sketch 20 x  34 cm bird

BABBLER BIRD, painting

BABBLER , water colors 20 x 24 cm paper 


 RED TAMAGER , water colors 20x24 cm paper


 CLerk,,,, sir treasury is empty......eeee...eee

 Accounts officer.... What can be expected?  If we distribute whole money freely  to people for variouis schmes this will happen 


  Junior doctor at hospital.. ee..eee sir how this happened 

Senior doctor..... His wife is a weight lifter. While she was practicing at home she dropped weights on him. Hence he  is  like this..

Great Adjutant stork, An Assam bird, painting



 BRITISH ROBIN BIRD.. water colors 20x24 cm paper

Sunday 22 August 2021

OWL Painting

 OWL, water colors 30x 20 cm paper


 AMERICAN BURROUGHING OWL, water colors 30x 20 cm paper

BARN OWL, painting

 BARN OWL, water colors 30x 20 cm paper

OWL. painting

 I AM OWL..LOOKING AT YOU, Water colors 30x20 cm paper



TV anchor... sir,  When we ask school kids what is 1 plus 1. they answer 3. My son is also like that. How bad,  what will happen in future?

Prof.... Nothing will happen. They can easily become politicians and ministers. Can also become dist collectors 



Teacher.. Look Hey Pochi. Tell the name of this  animal in this photo

Pochi.. Sir,  it is a cow

Other students shout..  rat, cat, dog,  buffalo...


 NORTH CARDINAL  TEXAS BIRD , water colors 20x16 cm paper

KING FISHER painting


Saturday 21 August 2021


 India has seriously faltered in admitting women into def services  in various services earlier like in EME ASC ,AOC SIGNALS ETC.employing them in nursing and AMC has some mening. Now making them members of combat arms  is  leading the services in to dire straits . the entire

exercise is the result of aping AMERICAN practice who themselves  are struggling with the system. Should we ape others  always? ARe we not competent to decide what is good  for us and what is bad. as things go, we might opt even for an all inf  woman's div, womans  armouted div etc. The entire activity has become a joke in the country. this shows  how far the crank politicians and the cronies in  services can stoop down  foregoing battlegitness if services that has to be ultimate one

question..  Can woman infantry unit perform in kargil type war. Never.how our services too brass accept all this nonsense that goes on in the country. Disgusting indeed.


 A common man plays flute in front of a buffalo...  wake up oh guys listen to our woes.

                     The buffalo is least bothered and stays still. 

LANDSCAPE painting

 LANDSCAPE WATER COLOR painting 45 x50 cm paper

AFGHAN POLICY BY India was a failure.....India was Utterly clueless about Taliban threat

                       AFGHAN POLICY OF INDIA WAS A FAILURE..INDIA WAS UTTERLY                                                       CLUELESS ABOUT   TALIBAN THREAT  

                                           COL Prof DR K Prabhakar Rao Veteran 


                                 Indian foreign policy on Afghanistan is a failure. When Afghan govt of Karzai and Ghani was there, India believed that Afghanistan can be made a pal against Pakistan and invested billions of rupees /dollars money in projects, roads and institutions etc. India failed to read Taliban moves and believed that American umbrella  would be there eternally. The policy failed due to short sighted politicians . In a master stroke, whatever be the need, America withdrew  and Taliban walked in without much fighting  and they had no heavy equiment for modern warfare agianst established army of Afghanistan and Afghan army letdown the nation.Now ,Taliban revealed its policy of achieving medieval  khorasan after occupying India  that is a bottle neck. They have done their home work by promoting  proxy terrorism all these years and   unleashed innumerable sleeper  cells in Hyderabad,Bhainsa   Nirmal,   Kerala, Karnataka, West Bengal ,Delhi, UP , Telangana,  MP and many other places. These sleeper cells  are as good as Taliban stationed in our country   in  disguise. External war needs internal support too for a  quick success. We have banned outfits like SIMI and some more. But we have not  punished any one except kasab captured durig attack on Taj hotel at Bombay and Afzal guru of attack on parliament of India  that too after years of litigatons. We have failed in that aspect due to appeasement policy to minorities.  Can we forget our questionable conduct towards previous Taliban  regime when they colluded with militants and later blew up Bamiyan Buddhas  and maulvi of jama maszid who openly supported Taliban. Now Taliban  is becoming a pivotal centre for international militant activities. They  have not come out openly  yet, but indications are there. India has not recognized the  regime of Taliban and brought back our diplomats. Will Taliban care about it? China is there as best friend. In chinas   assault  on ladakh in future  ,Taliban would play great role as it suits them due to proximity of the region to pak and areas in India.. Can we face them..some are highly confidant  of our troops who will fight to last bullet and last  man and woman. Very soon ,we will have infantry woman commandos manning our borders and facing Taliban too for achieving gender    equality. You never know in future we will have transgender   combat troops and commanding officers. Strange military tactics( why not?..Malik kafur  was a transgender slave Gen of Allauddin khilji in 13 century. )in all peace stations,His son Mubarak khilji had  scores of Transgeners  for  his protection. Indian Army has to establish child and baby care centres  with cradles  and dolls and maids to assist women in army ,may be at advanced field units where families are  allowed. Taliban will make  a great fun of us. Good for them  as our capabilities would be badly reduced  with womanized gender equal army Air force and navy. 

If India does not assist Taliban  ,its pals pak and  China are  there. Pakistan might die of hunger but will assist Taliban. China in order to occupy it's claimed land of previous Tibet would do everything for Taliban. We will be sucking fingers, all the, time singing ram dhun and Hanuman chalisa too. Chanakyas first principle was.. Kill enemy when he is  weak and un prepared.we always violated   under false  notions  that brought us more grief  and calamities. We  have allowed pak to get strong and nuclear and have been paying price. Gandhara  now Afghanistan was our country before Islam was founded. Why we can not claim our country? Sad state of affairs in India. We are digging our own graves.. Truth is bitter too.

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Return of taliban . Snake in Indias bed


                    RERURN  OF TALIBAN, Snake in Indias bed 

                                                               Col Dr K Prabhakar Rao

                    Return of Taliban in Afghanistan  will pose great problems to India. basically Taliban philosphy is islamisation and superiority of Islam over world religions. They are the outcome of hatred to  non muslims in world. When Alquaida attacked USA IN WASHINGTON,  few years ago, Taliban gave  assylum to Al quaida marauders and later paid prize for it when US attacked and invaded. Keralite Islamic outfits are staunch followers of Taliban  and with return of Taliban, they will get boosted up. Arms and ammunition will flow in to Kerala surely. Already attempts have been made  to smuggle arms  and ammunition into Kerala. Secondly, Taliban will boost militancy in jammu and Kashmir where   article 370 has been scrapped. The Muslims of this state get a flip with return of  Taliban in Afghanistan. Militancy will rise again .  Earlier the militants hijacked a plane  to Kandahar under  the control of Taliban and  got the militants  released escorted by minister  jaswant singh  during bajpais rule. Militants  in jails were got released for safe exchange of passengers .Talibans  willgo to any extent and we  are aware of it.  

            When Taliban was close to kabul now , the govt of Afghanistan requested for air support from us  as cited in news paper and obviously there was no response from us. As usual we are scared lot to interfere in such situation. Although Taliban is no bossom friend to us, we are playing safe  for obvious reasons. we refused support to Americans during their attack on kabul. As things go, we will be sleeping with a snake  in our bed. Life is not going to be easy for us soon  with Taliban in next door.

Uyyala pata XXV


OOgara oogara uyyalo
Oogi kinda padara uyyalo
Kinda padda neeku uyyalo
Moothi pallu raale uyalo
Vinave ma amma hmm
Vinave maa nayana uyyalo
Modi raju aaye uyyalo
Goppaga cheppiri uyyalo
Congress peeda viregenu uyyalo
Tanni tagalesiri uyyalo
Laagi tante vallanu uyyalo
Lankalo paderu uyyalo
Modi vachhinanka uyyalo
Tamasha rajyamochhe uyyalo
Aadhar Verri atiga perigenu uyyalo
Verri veyi talaluvese uyyalo
Banku ku aadharu
caru nadapalante kooda adharu kavali uyyalo
Talatikka rajyamla uyyalo
Pichhi chettantaye uyyalo
Hotella room adigethe uyyalo
Adharu adugatharu uyyalo
Plane ticket konte kooda uyyalo
Adharu adugutharu uyyalo
dawkhana lona kooda uyyalo
Adharu adugutharu uyyalo
RTA officela uyyalo
Adharu tappadu uyyalo
Talatikka rajyamura uyyalo
centerla tala ledu uyyalo
Kovindu rajayye uyyalo
govindunu vetuku ra uyyalo
Paperla Vekaiah photlu uyyalo
vetikina dorakavu uyyalo
Yadiki pothunnamu uyyalo
Anta mangalamu uyyalo

SCHLEGELIS ASITY bird painting

 SCHLEGELIS ASITY    ,Phile pitta, schlegelis  asity, a small bird native of Madagaskar, water colors  20x 24 cm paper

Roller bird, painting

ROLLER BIRD water colors, 20x24 cm paper 

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Taliban take over of AFGANISTAN


                                         Col  Dr K Prabhakar  Rao veteran 

                      It is fine that India has been tackling  militancy  and cross border terrorism with reasonable success. But we should not forget :-

A. Pulwama attack took place in spite of all our agencies army and para military supervision. We had to cut sorry figure internationally. Intelligence  agencies of various forces failed in their job. Probably the failed to share their information due to professional jealousies. With  gallantry awards galore in the country the agencies prefer not to share else they loose chances to grab awards.

B. Although cross border terrorism is slightly reduced, it is not over. Lying low by militants  indicates  reorganization and awaiting to achieve   surprise for their attacks .

C. Pakistan although economically weak now, has not given up its sole aim of destabilizing India. 

It  had not reconciled to kashmir's position

D. China is a staunch ally of Pakistan. It comfortably  occupied our territory in ladakh and other places recently and we were caught napping under covid pretext. Every one is aware of situation after an year. They have not gone back and want to draw a new line of control. Like rats they have been nibbling at the territory. During congress rule they occupied reasonable sized areas. 

E. Although china  and   tali bans  are not bossom friends due to Muslim population in China and it's troubles, China can always make a deal with Taliban and help Pakistan to activate majorTaliban campaign sooner or later against India.Now Taliban has sizeable arms ammunition and advanced weapons.

F.  Taliban and Al quaida are  made for  each other and Alquaida will reemerge aiming for India that is on their cards.Although OIsma bin Laden is no more his spirit hovers amidst Talibans.

G.  Do not forget that Alquida could carrout devastating  attack on  USA ON 9/11 although America  was a super power. It is different matter that  America attacked Afghanistan to pulp lkater , but they could not  eradicate   Taliban who mostly escaped to the treacherous mountains. Since then , Taliban have been waging war but were kept at bay. Although Afghan army was trained by US, they failed now to contain Taliban . Most of the troops of Afghanistan connived with Taliban and abandoned  their defenses. Without such situation , it is not possible for the present walk over by Taliban. 

H. Taliban once occupies Afghanistan, it would  train guns on Pakistan  to Talibanise that country. Pak army is professional army as good as ours if not superior but being a Islamic country,  is prone to change over to medieval mullah practices and talibanisation. This could result in greater Taliban country with nukes, scores of armoured regiments and  artilleryy equipment and strong proven air force with latest fighters and ace pilots. In such situation ,where we would be ? When entire Pakistan  and NWFA  i.e Afghanistan  becomes a country of Taliban where we will stand? It is not handful tribal Taliban   from former NWFA   but comprising of entire Afghanistan and Pakistan converted to Taliban country. We will be battling such mega force. Can we fight them and  win  , Particularly when internal enemies are innumerable craving  for islamisation of India. 

I. In above situation , entire kashmir would be back to square  apart from internal separatists from kerala and west Bengal and other parts. Our army  is known for valor, determination ,sacrifices and ability to fight to last bullet, but  how long against a determined Taliban. No other country will come to our help  physically.We have to fight our own war and  no one will fight our war. Over and above ,China  would black mail us severely on every front. Can we  sit quiet boasting on past laurels of 1948 Indeo pak war, 1971 war or 1965 war  or 1999 kargil  dare devil sacrifices by youngsters. Lot of water has flown since then. Theater command finalization has revealed how fragile is our structure  and fissures have surfaced in the organisation of armed forces  that is not good for us. We may put brave face but not a happy situation  that exists. 

                In view of above, we can not sit on past laurels and down the guard. In fact, we are in for more trouble, more threats and  dangers to the country. We can not falsely imagine that Pakistan has become  weak and is not in a position to wage war against us. When existence becomes a  question mark ,even a cat  will  pounce on throat of a man like a big cat. So let us be prepared for it. Let us not take victory of   Taliban  as of no consequence to us. if we are doing so, we are in for serious trouble in coming years.

Monday 16 August 2021

afghanistan in mess..


                             Afghanistan  in mess.. Chaotic developments

                              Colo Dr K Prabhkar Rao  

               If Trump was there in saddle, this calamity would not have taken place  In the world  

there are always some rogue nations, and individuals  ,  tribes and people and they have to be contained at all costs by the world nations for tranquility of all nations. In this context Bush junior the former US president  declared the evil axis comprising  former Iraq under saddam Hussein, Iran and North Korea. He waged war against Saddam  and dethroned him. Obama  who came in next too was careful. Afghanistan is an unstable state right from the days of   king zahir  shah. The people are tribes men with strong  disposition  and could not be contained by most  of the dynasties and even  The Englishmen when they were ruling India. Maharaja ranjit singh was the only person who conquered it. After 9/11, America controlled Afghanistan and kept Taliban  under control. 

By getting away from  kabul  Americans  have committed great tactical blunder and rogues are let loose  on the world. Taliban live in medieval mental state and are danger to peace of world. Very soon we might see talibanisation of Pakistan which  is a nuclear state and getting into fold of Iran.  One should not be surprised  if  nuclear bomb technology is passed on  to Iran.  then a new evil axis will develop rapidly. Iraq will be replaced by Taliban state. India is basically a weak state mentally and thus can not emerge as a regional super power. A super power is one that can influence world matters by direct interference if  required. Our capabilities  are limited to  mostly maldives , Andamans. Lakshadweeps and not even up to Sri lanka. We, are brow beaten by small  countries like Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia ,

Burma and Brunei  etc. We must get rid of the idea of becoming a  super power as we lack  defense  potential and economic status. At best ,we can be a regional   strong state unwilling to  co operate  whole heartedly in world matters. NON ALIGNED NATIONS   programme killed Indian spirit  and it  entered our DNA too. 

Afghanistan had to be controlled militarily and sadly America abdicated the responsibility and let loose the medieval killers on the world. Twenty years of struggle by American soldiers and officers  in this direction has gone down the drain  .America can not be excused for this. One should not be shocked if Alquida  the dreaded terrorist group  reemerges   from hybernation with  vengeance. Ee will be mere on- lookers and become  a prey to Alquida rogues. India will be  the greatest looser  with emergence of Taliban  next door. Keep fingers crossed.



Back to square



We are back to square  . We spent billions rupees for development of Afghanistan u der President ghani... We are sunk. Now. By virtue of local politics we  play safe and try to be neutral as usual while Taliban will undermine us if not openly clandestinely. We have no courage to take on Taliban headlong and play safe under non aligned nations who are under dogs. Whole world hated Non aligned nations. But that is our policy for existence. When previous talibans destroyed bamoyan buddhas we had no courage to stand up and passed resolutions at mikes

 This is what our elders did when Islam invaded gandhar after king kanishka.. All buddhists and Hindus were killed by invaders and gandhar became Afghanistan that stares, at us