Monday 16 August 2021

afghanistan in mess..


                             Afghanistan  in mess.. Chaotic developments

                              Colo Dr K Prabhkar Rao  

               If Trump was there in saddle, this calamity would not have taken place  In the world  

there are always some rogue nations, and individuals  ,  tribes and people and they have to be contained at all costs by the world nations for tranquility of all nations. In this context Bush junior the former US president  declared the evil axis comprising  former Iraq under saddam Hussein, Iran and North Korea. He waged war against Saddam  and dethroned him. Obama  who came in next too was careful. Afghanistan is an unstable state right from the days of   king zahir  shah. The people are tribes men with strong  disposition  and could not be contained by most  of the dynasties and even  The Englishmen when they were ruling India. Maharaja ranjit singh was the only person who conquered it. After 9/11, America controlled Afghanistan and kept Taliban  under control. 

By getting away from  kabul  Americans  have committed great tactical blunder and rogues are let loose  on the world. Taliban live in medieval mental state and are danger to peace of world. Very soon we might see talibanisation of Pakistan which  is a nuclear state and getting into fold of Iran.  One should not be surprised  if  nuclear bomb technology is passed on  to Iran.  then a new evil axis will develop rapidly. Iraq will be replaced by Taliban state. India is basically a weak state mentally and thus can not emerge as a regional super power. A super power is one that can influence world matters by direct interference if  required. Our capabilities  are limited to  mostly maldives , Andamans. Lakshadweeps and not even up to Sri lanka. We, are brow beaten by small  countries like Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia ,

Burma and Brunei  etc. We must get rid of the idea of becoming a  super power as we lack  defense  potential and economic status. At best ,we can be a regional   strong state unwilling to  co operate  whole heartedly in world matters. NON ALIGNED NATIONS   programme killed Indian spirit  and it  entered our DNA too. 

Afghanistan had to be controlled militarily and sadly America abdicated the responsibility and let loose the medieval killers on the world. Twenty years of struggle by American soldiers and officers  in this direction has gone down the drain  .America can not be excused for this. One should not be shocked if Alquida  the dreaded terrorist group  reemerges   from hybernation with  vengeance. Ee will be mere on- lookers and become  a prey to Alquida rogues. India will be  the greatest looser  with emergence of Taliban  next door. Keep fingers crossed.

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