Thursday 5 August 2021




                                         GANDHI AND WE

                                                      Dr K Prabhakar Rao

Gandhis statue is on top of a pedestal
At a road junction in Hyderabad city
poor guy is unhappy at his state
And he wants people to have on him some pity

The statue has Faded and peeled black paint
With some crow droppings streaks on the face
Guys going around have no time for him
And all are running a ten Mile rat race

The statue is within a small enclosure
With iron grill fixed around with cement
drunkards relax at the base of statue
Seeing Gandhi's fate no one has time to even lament

The poor Gandhi struggled for this nation
got packed off after the Englishmen left from all nooks
As mighty Churchill predicted before they went away 
India landed in the grip of robbers cheats, scammers and crooks

Gandhi’s name is a tool for catching votes
Once won they drink and glut meat of chicken
Seventy long years are over after India got freedom
Morals set by Gandhi are confined to bin soil linen

 Gandhi wanted congress to be dismantled
he knew that vested interests would rise high
Alas the selfish guys craving for power in free India
left the old Gandhi high and dry

Vested interests flourished soon in the nation
And Gandhi became a big burden in short time. 
Alas !Poor Gandhi was gunned down   as an helpless duck
Gandhi died at a prayer meeting and   was  past his prime

with Gandhi his thought too vanished
Every one was after the
  powerful chair

family rules became order of the day
Every minister in the country enjoyed the fanfare

Gandhi"s name is used to hoodwink people
With eye on votes at periodic elections
Once guys win at the ballot
Gandhi is dumped after the selections

Kashmir has become an Achilles heel 
Where scores are killed in gun fight
No single day passes without violence
Although India has great power and might

Gandhi preached peace and non violence
Yet the country is trapped in terror in every lane 
Four major wars have already been fought with foes
while Gandhis soul cries loud in pain

beating  the chest like a  native Drum

Gandhi wails loud like a helpless goat

 that awaits beheading at a butchers shop

 Leaders have no time  having crossed the moat

Some clowns laugh with in and shake heads

As if they approved the chaos in   sinking ship hull

The poor run around for a  mere morsel of food

and  the rich glut like pigs at   star hotels to their bellies full

Lots of food in the end that are thrown away

outside the hotels seen overflowing in dust bins

where dogs and bitches fight for left overs

The leaders who rule look other way with a grin 

least concerned and  at waste of food by the rich

 this  dreaded sight can be seen   at the hotel every day

where hungry men fright with dogs to grab some food

 The rulers  with closed eyes smile come what may

Is this the nation Gandhi wanted to liberate

And shed his crimson blood  to Godses gun  

 the rulers grabbed power and enjoy the perks 

 For them what goes on in the country is just a fun

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