Friday 27 August 2021





                                              Col Dr Prof K Prabhakar Rao  Veteran



                     Afghanistan  was always a trouble some country in Asian region. The terrain is very hostile with  deep mountains that are treacherous. The areas are occupied by tribes and  men who are dagger drawn against each other and lawless and no civilized law works there. The people are rugged fanatics  with poor education and medieval brutal  practices. They are religious frenzy. East India company  in the past also failed to control them and later British govt failed in their operations  against Afghanistan named NWFA. From 1933 to 1973, it was under King Zahir shah who was dethroned when he went abroad for treatment in 1973. Later, it became free for all and instability prevailed.  Russians occupied  it and Pakistan created resistance group and Talibans were the outcome. They waged wars and finally Russians withdrew . When Al quaida chief Bin  Laden took refuge after 9/11 attack on USA ,Afghanistan was invaded by USA and Taliban regime was pounded and  dethroned and they ran away to mountains. Since then Talibans were waiting for opportunity to recapture Afghanistan. A pro American govt was propped up there.Once American troops withdrew suddenly recently, it was golden chance and it became a walk   over for  Taliban although there was three lakh strong national army of afghan govt that literally looked other way   and let down the nation.This army was reportedly stocked and trained by Americans . They expected that  the national army would take care of the country. But it failed very badly.

              India always suffered at the hands of Afghan rulers during rule of slave sultans from 12 century onwards and  Mughal rule. Till the rule of Aurangazeb lasted Afghnas were kept at bay. Ahmed shah Abdali invaded India several times after Aurangzebs reign in 18 century and devastated India. He killed scores of men, carried away women and children as slaves. Women were sold in markets as slaves. In fact, Mughal empire perished due to constant raids by Nadir shah  from Iran  and later Abdali from Afghanistan as later Mughals were useless lot devoid of any character. They became name sake emperors after battle of plassey in 1757.

                              After the Indo pak war of 1948,  POK was occupied by Pakistan and thus we lost the land border with Afghanistan that was in POK. However Afghanistan became a battle ground for world powers and Pakistan became a major party in power struggle in Afghansitan. The common factor between Paksitan and Afghanistan  is the religion i.e Islam. Thus ,India automatically becomes  enemy to Pakistan . Afghansitan is trying to maintain its identity. The Taliban that was created by Paksitan to  fight Russians  turned its guns towards Pakistan later and Taliban hopes to Convert Paksitan into a Taliban  country too. There are ample sympathisers  in Pakistan. During Earlier Taliban regime, Indian plane was hijacked to Khandar and India had to hand over captured militants to Talibans to get Indian plane and passengers released during Bajpais rule. Bajpai felt that Indian passenger lives are far worth than few militants. Talibans  who are eccentric also destroyed Bamiyan buddhas on silk route by firing guns at them..  The maulvi of jama maszid in Delhi openly supported Taliban and Indian govt as usual  looked  other way. In any other country , he would have gone behind bars.

                     As a policy ,India does not recognize a country where the govt is formed by a coup or military or militant take over. Thus ,previous Taliban govt was not recognized. The present Taliban  take over also has not been approved although Taliban has ousted the Afghan govt and Ghani the previous president fled the country with kin. India failed to anticipate Afghan crisis and in a hurry to develop close relations with Afghans govt took up development of roads bridges and projects in that country and invested billions of Rupees and dollars.we are also training some of their cadets in our military training academies. Work is under progress  in Afghanistan when Taliban invaded Afghanistan .  India has been caught badly and is in great trouble. Taliban govt will not pay single rupee back to us. And what happens to the projects and development works there? Will Pakistan complete those works with their money to win over Taliban or will be abandoned. We have to wait and see. This is the greatest failure of Indian foreign policy towards Afghanistan. In a hurry to  win over Afghans to be one up  against paksitan,  India  has squandered away billions of rupees /dollars in a far off land that will not yield a single rupee to us. The short sighted foreign policy handlers in Delhi faltered greatly and  who will be responsible for this fiasco and financial loss. As it is our country is still a poor country where millions struggle for one meal in a day and it is painful to know that  such large sum of money has been squandered away by our leaders  due to very poor policies and over enthusiasm by the rulers who wants to earn name and fame.  At whose cost?

                 What advantage we will have by keeping Afghanistan in our pocket. One is to prop up Afghans  against Pakistan. From Afghan territory , secondly ,It would be possible to  promote some trouble in sindh and Baluch areas and help them in their struggle for freedom. As there is no land border with Afghansitan , it was a great disadvantage for India. Unless India reoccupies  POK, we will not have land border with Afghanistan. Once  Land border is available , things will be different and easier. With Taliban in the seat ,India will be exposed to  more terror attacks by Taliban inspired terrorists. Now with such cache of American arms and ammunition in Talibans control, militant activity against India will get a boost. With friendly Pakistan,    Taliban will have open access to POK and then into Indian territory to boost up militant activities. India can not pat its back that it has contained terrorism in J and K  after repeal of article 370 in the valley. All separatists in the valley of Kashmir are much elated with rise of Taliban next door and looking for active support from them. The stone pelting youth, motor cycle borne militants wielding weapons throwing grenades on security personnel also will get boost now. Our anti Indian groups, tukde tukde gangs from universities within the country are elated .Indian security has to be improved due to grave dangers from Taliban inspired militants. Road ahead to India is not smooth and is full of grave obstacles and threats although  some  brush off the threats.. With China in the league , the nexus of villains against India will become strong and India has to simultaneously handle all the three aggressors. China on the other hand is going strong in their activities against India and real worth of preparation and readiness will emerge only when  serious armed conflicts take place between two warring nations like India and China ,  pak also joining the fray along with Taliban. India has to  prepare for this situation and ostrich attitude that is normal with India  will lead to devastation to this country. Taliban already has expressed that establishing a land of khorasan  that includes complete India is their aim. With Muslim population increasing in states like Bengal, kerala, UP Delhi, Telangana etc threat can not be rubbed off. The militant outfits in India at various places are as good as Taliban in disguise who could be activated at the call. The recent Riots in Delhi right under the eyes of local administration  has to be  an eye opener. Any external war has to be aided by internal militant activities to cause serious destabilization  to a country.a It causes conflicts among social groups  based on religion. There is no dearth of anti Indian forces and leftist trouble makers in the country who   preach sedition and promote  break up of the country.

                  Thus, rise of Taliban next door can not be brushed aside and is a serious threat to India and we have to prepare for all eventualities.



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