Saturday 21 August 2021


 India has seriously faltered in admitting women into def services  in various services earlier like in EME ASC ,AOC SIGNALS ETC.employing them in nursing and AMC has some mening. Now making them members of combat arms  is  leading the services in to dire straits . the entire

exercise is the result of aping AMERICAN practice who themselves  are struggling with the system. Should we ape others  always? ARe we not competent to decide what is good  for us and what is bad. as things go, we might opt even for an all inf  woman's div, womans  armouted div etc. The entire activity has become a joke in the country. this shows  how far the crank politicians and the cronies in  services can stoop down  foregoing battlegitness if services that has to be ultimate one

question..  Can woman infantry unit perform in kargil type war. our services too brass accept all this nonsense that goes on in the country. Disgusting indeed.

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