Tuesday 17 August 2021

Taliban take over of AFGANISTAN


                                         Col  Dr K Prabhakar  Rao veteran 

                      It is fine that India has been tackling  militancy  and cross border terrorism with reasonable success. But we should not forget :-

A. Pulwama attack took place in spite of all our agencies army and para military supervision. We had to cut sorry figure internationally. Intelligence  agencies of various forces failed in their job. Probably the failed to share their information due to professional jealousies. With  gallantry awards galore in the country the agencies prefer not to share else they loose chances to grab awards.

B. Although cross border terrorism is slightly reduced, it is not over. Lying low by militants  indicates  reorganization and awaiting to achieve   surprise for their attacks .

C. Pakistan although economically weak now, has not given up its sole aim of destabilizing India. 

It  had not reconciled to kashmir's position

D. China is a staunch ally of Pakistan. It comfortably  occupied our territory in ladakh and other places recently and we were caught napping under covid pretext. Every one is aware of situation after an year. They have not gone back and want to draw a new line of control. Like rats they have been nibbling at the territory. During congress rule they occupied reasonable sized areas. 

E. Although china  and   tali bans  are not bossom friends due to Muslim population in China and it's troubles, China can always make a deal with Taliban and help Pakistan to activate majorTaliban campaign sooner or later against India.Now Taliban has sizeable arms ammunition and advanced weapons.

F.  Taliban and Al quaida are  made for  each other and Alquaida will reemerge aiming for India that is on their cards.Although OIsma bin Laden is no more his spirit hovers amidst Talibans.

G.  Do not forget that Alquida could carrout devastating  attack on  USA ON 9/11 although America  was a super power. It is different matter that  America attacked Afghanistan to pulp lkater , but they could not  eradicate   Taliban who mostly escaped to the treacherous mountains. Since then , Taliban have been waging war but were kept at bay. Although Afghan army was trained by US, they failed now to contain Taliban . Most of the troops of Afghanistan connived with Taliban and abandoned  their defenses. Without such situation , it is not possible for the present walk over by Taliban. 

H. Taliban once occupies Afghanistan, it would  train guns on Pakistan  to Talibanise that country. Pak army is professional army as good as ours if not superior but being a Islamic country,  is prone to change over to medieval mullah practices and talibanisation. This could result in greater Taliban country with nukes, scores of armoured regiments and  artilleryy equipment and strong proven air force with latest fighters and ace pilots. In such situation ,where we would be ? When entire Pakistan  and NWFA  i.e Afghanistan  becomes a country of Taliban where we will stand? It is not handful tribal Taliban   from former NWFA   but comprising of entire Afghanistan and Pakistan converted to Taliban country. We will be battling such mega force. Can we fight them and  win  , Particularly when internal enemies are innumerable craving  for islamisation of India. 

I. In above situation , entire kashmir would be back to square  apart from internal separatists from kerala and west Bengal and other parts. Our army  is known for valor, determination ,sacrifices and ability to fight to last bullet, but  how long against a determined Taliban. No other country will come to our help  physically.We have to fight our own war and  no one will fight our war. Over and above ,China  would black mail us severely on every front. Can we  sit quiet boasting on past laurels of 1948 Indeo pak war, 1971 war or 1965 war  or 1999 kargil  dare devil sacrifices by youngsters. Lot of water has flown since then. Theater command finalization has revealed how fragile is our structure  and fissures have surfaced in the organisation of armed forces  that is not good for us. We may put brave face but not a happy situation  that exists. 

                In view of above, we can not sit on past laurels and down the guard. In fact, we are in for more trouble, more threats and  dangers to the country. We can not falsely imagine that Pakistan has become  weak and is not in a position to wage war against us. When existence becomes a  question mark ,even a cat  will  pounce on throat of a man like a big cat. So let us be prepared for it. Let us not take victory of   Taliban  as of no consequence to us. if we are doing so, we are in for serious trouble in coming years.

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