Thursday 25 March 2021

BIRSA MUNDA, TRIBAL FREEDOM FIGHTER, REVOLUT IONARY, RELIGIOUS LEADER.He belonged to the tribal belt of khinti, ramar, sarwada and bangaon of bengal province during British raj now in jharkhand. And he was much particular ofprotecting rights of tribals who cultivated lands. Withprimitive methods the tribals could not produce surplus and hence the land owners leased lands to others who were non tribals. This created un rest in the, region and munda resisted and organised rebellion against authorities. he told the tribals to not to pay the rents for the lands and when the British learnt that munda threatened the tribals regarding the rents, they arrested him and hecess sentenced to two years jail term. he was released and later he clashed with missionaries who were convering tribals to Christianity. munda, declared that he was a prophet and the tribals should not pray to other gods. On 5 jan 1900 birsas followers killed two constables at etkedih and on 7 jan attacked the police station at khinti. the English govt declared a bounty of Rs 500 for the, arrest of munda, but he escaped to singhbum. he was arrested at jamkopai forest at chakradharpur on 3 March 1900.many were sentenced to long term prison terms, death and transportation . birsa diedin prison on 9 June 1900. After his death ,movement faded out. However govt passed orders that tribal lands can not be transfered to others. He is worshipped as a hero and many organizations places etc are named after him. Ranchi air port is named after him. His birth anniversary is celebrated in karnataka at mysore and kodughu dist on 15 nov.

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