Sunday 28 March 2021

MN ROY ( manbendra roy) born as manabendra nath bhattacharya). Revolutionary, philosopher, communist thinker, founder of Mexican communist Party And writer. he travelled wide and interacted with great leaders of world like bagha jatin of India, lenin and stalin. And felt India will get freedom only by armed revolution and it pitted the British crown against him. When he returned from abroad in 1930 hecwas immediately arrested based on av warrant issued in 1924.He was tried literally summarily avoiding and negating judicial procedures and sentenced to 12 years prison term. he appealed to Allahabad high court and it reduced term to six years but his conviction was up held. the court charged him that he conspired to deprive king emperor george of England of his sovereign control over India. in different jails he suffered greatly and lost his health and became sick. after release ,he went to Allahabad to recupe and met J Nehru who had high regards for roy although politically they differed. he wrote profusely. He became great architect of communist thought in India in 20 century. he passed away in 1954.His letters and works were published as set of books which are much treasured.

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