Tuesday 23 March 2021

RAMAKRISHNA BISWAS, INDIAN REVOLUTIONARY AND MARTYR,HE WAS FROM CHITTAGONG DISTRICT. he was inspired to join revolutionaries and was associated with surya Sen. in 1930 he was seriously injured while engaged in making bombs. it was decided to kill Craig Insoector general of police and Ramakrishna Biswas and his associate kalipada Chakrabarty reached Chandipur station on 01 Dec 1930. by mistake they killed a rail inspector Tarini Mukherjee. They were arrested in 2 Dec 1930 and were housed in Alipore jail. pritilate waddedar who was staying in Calcutta was made to contact him while in ja as his family and others ka Jed funds to travel to the jail at Alipore. Ramakrishna Biswas was tried and sentenced to death and was executed on 04 Aug 1931. his accomplice kalipada Chakrabarty was sentenced to life term.

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