Thursday 18 March 2021

PULIN BIHARI DAS. REVOLUTIONARY.. FREEDOM STRUGGLE. He was a great organiser and was the founder member of Dhaka chapter of Anshulin samithi. He planned to eliminate Basil copleston Allen the district magistrate..of Dhaka. when he was on his way back to England he was shot through his body but he escaped death. Later a crowd of Muslims attacked his house. But Pulin and his followers successfully defended themselves. Pulin also organised a dacoity at barrah under nawabgunj police limits at a zamindars house. The money that was, realised was used to purchase arms and ammunition. Later he was arrested for dhaka conspiracy and awarded life term and sent to cellular jail at andamans where he met many other revolutionaries including savarkar. he was, released in 1918 after ww 1.but was kept under house, arrest for anothr year. he was then 1922.the Aanushilan samithibecame a bannned oufit and many activists shifted to Mkgandhis policies. But pulin refused to accept gandhis leadership and ways. Soon he retired from active politics, married and raised a family and passed away in 1949.Aug 17.

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