Wednesday 24 March 2021

TIROT SING, THE RULER OF KHASI TRIBES, DURING THE RULE OF THE BRITISH IN INDIA. He was the chief of a khasi tribe consisting of many clans and he belonged to nongkhlaw and was constitutional head and governed his areasn with the help of a council of his clans. The British Under a treaty were given possessions in lower Assam and they wanted tk build a road between sylhet and lower assam and the road has to pass through khasi hills. Discussions were held between tribal chiefs and the British officers. tirot wanted to have control over some duars I. E passes that were occupied by raja of rani. the English officers agreed for same. However when men of tirot sing went to take possession of the passes they were found blocked. More over ,it was found that British troops were giving support to raja balram singh of the disputed passes. Consequently the troops of Tirot singh attacked the british garrison at Nongkhlaw on 4 april1929 killing two British officers And declared war against the British. In the ensuing terrible anglo khasi war, the natives had no quality fire arms and in open battle suffered greatly. Natives fought with bows , shields and arrows and swords. Native khasi chiefs then resorted to guerilla warfare and the war dragged on for 4 years leading to many casualties to the British. Finally Tirot was shot from a distance and he escaped and hid in a cave. however he was arrested in1933 and sent to dhaka and was kept under guard and where he passed away on 17 July 1835.he was just 32 years. every year Tirot singh day is celebrated in Meghalaya to honour him .He waged ear against the British to uphold dignity and freedom of our country and people and sacrificed himself in the process

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