Thursday 25 March 2021

VASUDEVAAY BALWANT PHADKE. REVOLUTIONARY IN19 CENTURY. he tried To Liberate Indian from colonial oppression moved by plight of farming community. With the help of bhils koli. And dhangar community he raised a band of revolutionary group. they started raiding wealthy European land Lords and business man. he became prominent when he gained control over pune city for gew days after he captured some British soldiers. when gaikwad eRuler of baroda was deposedby the British he opposed and gave sppeches to that effect. Severe famine and govt apathy forced him to tour deccan region. heotgsnised a band of people from ramoshi caste and lo ater bhils. Kols and dhangars were added. he raided many govt treasuries and looted money and gave to poor. in one if the actions with govt forces he lost his staunch aide daulat rav naikwas killed and it was a great set back to him. he also earlier toured nizams region to recruit arabs and rohillas. Soon he clashed direct with govt troops and a bounty was, declared for capture of phadke. In Turn phadke declared bounty for capture of governor of bombay apart from a reward for killing a british sepoy. when he was in nizams areas he was pursued by the British officers and near pandhar pur he was captured on20 julu 1879. He was taken to pune for trial and sentenced to life term. But he escaped from jail and soon arrested. He was sent to a prison in Aden where he Undertook fast and soon died. he came to be known as father of Indian armed rebellion .

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