Monday 22 February 2021

BHUPENDRANATH DUTTA WAS AN Indian revolutionary and in later life was a noted sociologist and anthropologist. he was the younger brother of swami vivekananda. in his younger days , he was associated closely with jugantar patrika as editor. he was associated with Aurobindo who later became a rishi. he was arrested and imprisoned In 1907 on charges of sedition and sentenced to one year prison term He was also a privy to Indo German conspiracy. after release he went to America and obtained MA at brown University. he was a member of Ghadar party .He went to Germany during wwI and started taking part in revolutionary and political activities. He became secretary to Indian Independence committee. he obtained doctorate in Anthropology at Hamburg univerdity in 1923.Back in India he joined Indian National congress and was also arrested for political activities. he wrote several books. he passed away in 1961.

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