Tuesday 16 February 2021



Dr K Prabhakar Rao

Happiness is a state of mind. our scriptures state that whatever  a man gets  in this life is based on his karma.Who ever fully believes in the theory of karma and deeds of past lives will not be perturbed at the materialistic possessions, wealth, type of job he does, beauty, ranks, promotions,awards, etc. inspite of this theory, majority of 
human beings in this country following Hindu dharma over look the karma theory and are running after all the factors mentioned above. he links his happiness to these factors and runs to achieve same by hook or crook. all may not be crooks causing damage to others in the process of achievement. although he desires achievement of factors mentioned above, he will be happy if he gets them .In other words would be unhappy if he does not get them. But he may not undermine others. in this cruel materialistic world , all are not fair, opportunities too are not fair everywhere and always. they depend on human factors prevalent. thus mostly the man becomes victim of circumstances. some people link these happenings to destiny that is, already written by the Lord at the time of ones birth. Man thus blames his surroundings, colleagues, bosses,parents, relatives govt policies, political set up  and opportunities.. Thus all humans can never be 
Happy  even in Hindu dharma unless every one believes and follows karma siddhanta.even great sages like viswamitrsa was jealous of vasuishta  did every thing to damage vasishta. he killed all sons of vasishta and carried away the divine cow and thus his struggle over his rival was very long. even our high political leaders like Mk Gandhi. Nehru, Indira Gandhi were not above board. They  ensured that their words were final and were to be adhered to their actions which also caused great human suffering. even they were never happy guys and content. they always aspired for high and higher. coming to the swamijis of various institutions of Hindu dharma many have become vocal ,and controversial  running around political leaders to gain something in return. no swamiji appears to be above board. They seek popularity. Thus they also have no happiness. No names please. even divine beings like Indra and many other deities are not happy with what they have and  scriptures are full of episodes involving them. 
thus  we as human beings are  minute beings and are struggling to become happy by materialistic pleasures which is against our Hindu dharma. Then what happens about others who follow other   religions such   as Buddhist, jainism, sikhism, Muslims and Christians. their philosaphies are different and scriptures are different. happiness in them is dependent on factors preached in their scriptures. 

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