Saturday 6 February 2021



        prof Dr k prabhakar Rao

two Lt gen one is Lt gen Alok kler
commander of South western command and another was his deputy commander  of same rank  exchanged heated arguments in open and the rift became open. they fought with words in open and it had gone public. both of them lodged complaint against each other to higher commander. The matter was  serious and the army chief  ordered court of inquiry by army commander  central Command. the matter became the talk of town degrading army's prestige. the army commander of South western command who is one of the person who complained rode his bicycle earlier from delhi to jaipur to assume command and it was news then all over
just because the gen officer travelled on bicycle from delhi to jaipur, every guy in  army lifted him up to heavens praising sky high. Sadly ,the guy proved himself unfit for the job  where he could not get on with his deputy of same rank of lt gen. he might be a good sports man  but he  was poor in man management and appears to have lost balance. he being the seniour among two  he complained to higher ups while his deputy also did same. in this act they brought down the name of services. 
This is clear indication to prove that boss and his deputy in army can not be of same rank. the system fails and in fact failed.In case ,NFU is implemented in army  command structure collapses flat. This is the main reason NFU has been opposed by top brass of army. Thus
army failed to get NFU.In civil services ,the command structure is not that rigid and by virtue of uniform in army,the ranks are  easily  distinguished. In civil services, it is not so. NFU in civil services made no difference  to them and Seniors took it light and things have been moving smoothly there. But in army ,one day junior or  one number junior in IC  number causes  havoc. the present army top brass can take some lessons and should not post officers of same rank  as cdr and dy cdr. then both keep fighting all the time the way these officers have been fighting  causing shame to the org.

True. Some are of opinion that the two officers who withdrew  their complaint should be asked to resign.  They are not worthy to be retained. these two officers, are, well connected every where. Image of army has to be protected. So, there is a need to Send them home lock stock and barrel. if they are asked to resign they might loose some thing and they might opt for retirement. Whatever  the case may be ,they should not be allowed to continue in services

 They withdrew after the  enquiry was ordered  and they should not be  pardoned. the very fact that they crossed, swords in public, has resulted in  displaying poor officer like qualities. The matter has gone  public. hence they should be punished. just because they are of higher ranks , the matter should not be hushedup. If it is done ,it is very bad precedent. They should have withdrawn complaints before the enquiry was ordered. though they are generals,  they proved themselves not worthy and as immature guys out of balance and not worthy of such high rank.More over ,by their conduct they brought down image of services. 

Any how, C of I will decide.we do not know the terms of C of I. will the presiding  officer give findings and opinion too? Final result will depend on opinion of the C of I   . 
They set bad examples. this shows the fallen values, poor discipline,low morale, poor commitment in service. we have to feel sorry for the system that promoted these persons to the rank of Lt Gen a very senior rank. Surely some guys erred about them  while writing ACRs in the past leading to their  promotions and they turned headstrong. God bless  every one that sanity would prevail everywhere.

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