Monday 8 February 2021



In all speeches on the occasion of Independence Day from 1947 and republic Day right from 1950   ,we are hearing from the PMs that the country is going through many difficult times and all citizens must sacrifice for the country and thus  these politicians have been addressing the people and trying to inspire by shouting mk Gandhi zinda bad, bharat mata ki jai, bhagat singh ki jai netaji bose ki jai patel ki jai  etc. No PM said we are comfortable economically and doing well. the prime  ministers took the  country for a camel ride and wildgoose chase. they took us all in  chasing  wood duck
Every Pm ensured country men particularly middle classes suffered. For rich and businessman  it made no difference as they lived on sacrificesof middle class citizens. Poor suffered and continue to suffer. of late by giving freebees to poor ,the govts have killed the working spirit in them. any thing given free is not respected and becomes a right soon. it becomes a carrot at  elections. the post  from modi (  surely not written by modi himself) is trying to wash tears of middle class by giving the reasons for high cost of diesel and petrol and oils. govt knows that people will purchase the fuels irrespective of prices and there will never be  a public revolt. in fact gov   exploits  it's own country men  and politicians enjoy luxaries  and five   star lives.  ours is a very strange  and eccentric democracy with improper, electorate. they are habituated to eternal suffering  and are convinced that this country is only for suffering. any guy who goes abroad takes a oath that he would never return to get screwed up by the  politicians masquerading as great patriots and very honest men. the country is going from one crisis to other and  there is no relief to the people  under constant fear of new laws and new price rise, new aggression from neighbors. God bless us from these men 

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