Monday 22 February 2021

SACHINDRANATH SANYAL. INDIAN REVOLUTIONARY. he was thee founder of Hindusthan Republican association and in 1928 itveas changed toHindusthan socialist Republican association. he took very active part in Ghadar party activities and in 1915 when the conspiracy was, exposed he went underground. later he was sentenced for the part in conspiracy and sento andaman cellular jail to serve life term. He was released from jail but when he continued hiscactivities hecwas re sent to cellular jail for secondterm. in the hailhe contracted tuberculosis and was sent to Gorakhpur jailwhere he passed away in 1942.sanyal was a very senior leader and influenced bhagat singh ram prasdad bismil, Chandrasekhar azad. And others. afterescape of ras bihari bose to Japan, sanyal was considered the mostnoted revolutionary inIndia.

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