Saturday 6 February 2021


prof Dr K Prabhakar Rao

Time now  has published an article about the historic  order by min of def about supply of 118 ARJUN tanks  that is claimed as historic.    what is so historic about it?. 
this is within the country. Manufacturer is Indian govt organization . the one who is giving the order is Indian govt. user  would be Indian Army a govt organization. What is so special about it? . if the govt is not in favour of importing tanks, only alternative  would be to produce in India  with our 
Know how and hand over to army. the point  here is   to  induct more tanks  into army to improve battle capability. there will be no dollar payment and the financial transaction would be  between two govt organizations like between min of finance and public sector under taking. Arjun tanks  have been our own production and were subjected to great controversies ever since they were under trials.The present fleet had not proved itself in actualconditions of war. they have taken part in training moves probably firing at an imaginary enemy dummy tanks that are already dead.Neither we have exported Arjun tanks to  foreign nations from which we could get feed back about battle worthiness. Countries like Iraq, Syria and some African countries always, are engaged in wars. Atleast we are partly happy about vijayanta tanks that were made at Avadi and took part in 1971war in some sectors in whatever roles they were given. They always suffered from engine problems and a finger was always against them. they were never in  leading columns in tank to tank fights. Some exceptions could be there.Whatever they achieved in wars are known to us. they are part of history now as they are out of service and they reached scrap yards and are standing at crossings in cantonments  neatly painted with elevated proud guns. we are not in position to import more tanks and have to be happy with whatever we have. our main adversary Pakistan  no doubt is in better position probably wrt to armour  and they are producing Alkhalid tanks with Chinese help and can always import tanks if needed  as world powers are helping them to ensure balance against India. One question would be.. Why Arjun tanks are getting inducted more instead of  T series tanks that are being also produced in the country and are already in service. Is it because of cost of production factor? any how some thing is better than  having  nothing and looking desperate. 

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