Thursday 4 March 2021

LOKNATH BAL, INDIAN REVOLUTIONARY, He was an important member of jugantar party ad took part in Chittagong armoury raid on 18 April 1930. he was again involved in a serious gun fight with combine force of British army and police in which his younger brother Harigopal and eleven revolutionaries died, He managed to reach Chander Nagole a French territory. he and Ganesh ghosh were arrested on 1 sept 1930 after a gun fight in which jiban ghoshal died, He was sentenced to transportation to life on 1 March 1932. Was released in 1946. he joined radical Democratic Party founded by !ahendranath Roy . Later he joined Indian national congress. he became second deputy commissioner of Calcutta corporation in 1952 and remained till 1962 when he was promoted as first deputy commissioner and remained in the position till he passed away on 4 sept 1964.

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