Monday 12 April 2021

BONIFACE PEREIRA.. REVOLUTIONARY, MEMBER OF PENANG 20....He crossed over to India being members of INA under capt mohan singh in Japan during ww ii. this happened before netaji took over command of INA. The twenty members in small batches crossed into India by submarines and one of the team crossed via burma by land route the team landed at kathiawar by submarine along with another four members, satyendra chandra BARDHAN, fouja, singh, anandan, and Khadir.they were expected to work along with Indian revolutionaries. Sadly, all of them were arrested quickly and were housed at madras jail. Thet were tried at court with in jail premices and four were sentenced and hanged at madras central jail.l in 1942. Sadly the team20 PENANG have been forgotten and neglected by the thankless nation.Although pereira was, sentenced to death it was reduced to five years jail term later.

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